
Collection of flower news, found 255 news.

Number of Indonesians in Hong Kong the highest

The number of Indonesians in Hong Kong is the highest of the total of 156 thousand foreigners in that country, or ...

Illegal logging threatens Raflesia flower in Bengkulu

Illegal logging in the protected Bukit Daun forest, Bengkulu, threatens the habitat of the world`s largest flower, ...

Rafflesia arnoldii blooms up in 21 locations

The flower arnoldii of rafflesia has been found blooming in 21 locations throughout Bengkulu Province, reports Agus ...

Rafflesia habitats spread evenly in Bengkulu

The habitats of Rafflesia Arnoldii are spread evenly in forest areas of Bengkulu province, a Rafflesia researcher ...

Iran`s contribution to quake victims heightened spirits

Japan`s Accredited Ambassador to Iran Kim Iji Komano said here Wednesday Iranians by expressing sympathy and ...

Sirleaf, Gbowee and Karman receive Nobel Peace Prize

Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, her compatriot and "peace warrior" Leymah Gbowee and Yemeni activist ...

Two rafflesia flowers in bloom in Bengkulu

Two Rafflesia arnoldi flowers are in bloom at the Taba Penanjung natural sanctuary in Central Bengkulu District, ...

Bengkulu trying to assert its rights over fort Marlborough

Geographically located in Bengkulu city, the remains of the British colonial era legacy Fort Marlborough should ...

Papuan muslims make devotional visit to cemeteries

Muslims in Papua provincial city of Jayapura make devotional visit to the cemeteries of loved ones on Monday, a day ...

Toll from two Philippine storms rises to 70

The combined death toll from Tropical Storm Nock-ten and Typhoon Muifa in the Philippines has risen to 70, with ...

Snake plant in Bogor blooms

The snake plant (Amorphophallus Titanum) in the Bogor Botanical Garden, West Java, was predicted to fully open up ...

Thousands of tourists visit Pagaralam

In 2010 some 10,340 tourists visited Pagaralam city, S Sumatera, head of Pagaralam tourism, art and cultural agency H ...

Buddhists in several regions celebrate Vesak Day

Indonesian Buddhists in several regions on Tuesday celebrated Vesak day with ceremonies particularly at the Borobudur ...

Rafflesia arnoldii blossoms in Bukit Daun forest

One more Rafflesia arnoldii flower has blossomed in the Bukit Daun forest, Tebat Monok village, Tebat Monok sun ...

Forest trampling threatening Raflesia Arnoldi`s habitat

Trampling activity in Bukit Daun register 5 Protected Forest in Kepahiang and Central Bengkulu district is ...