#former president

Collection of former president news, found 811 news.

Golkar urges govt to renegotiate mining work contracts

Golkar Party Associate Chairman Priyo Budi Santoso said his party had urged the government to renegotiate soon all ...

Military hq considering nominees to succeed Army Chief Toisutta

The National Defense Force (TNI) Headquarters is discussing a replacement for Gen George Toisutta as Army chief of ...

Megawati challenges Indonesian women to become president

Former President Megawati Soekarnoputri has challenged Indonesian women to race for the presidency like herself. ...

Probosutedjo establishes Soeharto Center

Probosutedjo, the younger half-brother of former Indonesian president Soeharto, established Soeharto Study Center here ...

Soeharto deserves national hero status

Former President Soeharto`s merits in developing the Indonesian state and nation were outstanding and therefore he ...

Her passport, another mystery in Nunun`s case

Does Nunun Nurbaeti, the suspect in a high profile bribery case have more than one passport?. No, Adang ...

RI`s reform movement was not revolution

Former president BJ Habibie said Indonesia`s reform movement which began in 1998 leading to the overthrow of the New ...

Peru quick count says Humala leads Fujimori

Left-wing nationalist Ollanta Humala was leading right-wing lawmaker Keiko Fujimori in Peru`s presidential election, a ...

Egypt sentences ex-finance minister 30 years in jail

The Cairo Criminal Court issued on Saturday a 30-year prison sentence in absentia against Egyptian former Finance ...

Technology utilization in RI still low: Habibie

Former President Prof Baharuddin Jusuf Habibie said the utilization of technology in Indonesia is still relatively low ...

Wes Wheeler Appointed as CEO by Marken's Board of Directors

-        The Marken Board of Directors is pleased to announce the appointment of Wesley ...

Minister criticized for blocking porn sites

Communications and Informatics Minister Tifatul Sembiring said he had been criticized by many parties, including ...

Coalition members may still have different views

The associate chairman of Golongan Karya (Golkar) Party, Priyo Budi Santoso, said coalition members are not banned to ...

President appreciates advice, criticism from former leaders

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono praised former presidents` support and corrections as a positive political ...

Habibie asks people to be optimistic

Former Indonesia president BJ Habibie asked the people to be optimistic in the face of the nation`s problems, ...