
Collection of gambir news, found 170 news.

Telkomsel dispatches 5,000 Idul Fitri travelers for free

Some 5,000 Idul Fitri travelers are joining free `mudik` (home-bound trips) program of cellular phone operator PT ...

Thousands join free `mudik` travel programs

While the tickets of various modes of transpiration are now difficult to obtain for `mudik` (home-bound trips), tens ...

Idul Fitri exodus has begun

This year`s exodus of about 15.5 million post-fasting Idul Fitri or Lebaran travelers bagan this week with its peak ...

Two British soccer legends to enliven Jakarta Fair 2011

The 2011 Jakarta Fair (PRJ) which will be held from June 9 through July 10 is expected to be more of a public ...

Jakarta police arrest Bank BCA ATM alleged robbers

Jakarta police have caught the alleged perpetrators of a BCA Bank ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) robbery, identified ...