#gas station

Collection of gas station news, found 77 news.

Jakarta police to check Eid returning travelers till May end

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police plan to operate checkpoints until the end of May 2021 to check residents who return to ...

Densus 88 pursues three terror suspects in Jakarta

The Indonesian Police's anti-terror squad Densus 88 searched for  three suspected terrorists in close heels to ...

Police name three pseudo journalists as suspects in extortion case

The police named three pseudo journalists as suspects on grounds of alleged extortion of an owner of a gas station in ...

Chinese truck driver sped for kilometers in a soon-to-explode truck receiving a FAW J7 after narrow escape

According to Chinese media reports, on July 14, 2020, a thrilling scene was staged in Xinmin City Liaoning China: a ...

B30 mixed-fuel to absorb 9.6-million KL of biodiesel in 2020

Implementation of the B30 biodiesel fuel program, a diesel fuel blended with 30-percent palm-based biofuel, is expected ...

Jokowi targets replanting 500 thousand ha of palm oil plantations

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) declared a target to replant at least 500 thousand hectares of palm oil plantations by ...

Jokowi highlights rationale behind expediting biodiesel program

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) brought to the fore the basis for expediting the implementation of the biodiesel program ...

Jokowi officially launches B30 program at gas station in Jakarta

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) launched the 30 percent blended biodiesel (B30) program at a gas station in Jakarta, ...

Pertamina readies 112 service points along Trans Java toll road

State-run oil company PT Pertamina (Persero) has readied 112 service points along the Trans Java toll road from Merak ...

Residents evacuate to hill for fear of tsunami

Panic-stricken residents in Kolonodale town, North Morowali district, Central Sulawesi province, were evacuated to a ...

Police arrest four people on drug charges

Police have arrested four people on charge of carrying 43.90 grams of crystal meth in North Lampung distriuct, Lampung ...

Government`s one-price fuel program brings cheer by Eliswan Azly

The government`s one-price BBM program to create evenness and justice has brought cheer to the communities that live ...

Fuel supplies in Palu adequate: Minister

State-Owned Enterprises (SOEs) Minister Rini Soemarno emphasized that fuel supplies in Palu and the surrounding areas ...

Pertamina prepares five locations for one-price fuel

State oil company PT Pertamina has prepared five locations for the sale of one price fuel oil in Maluku Province this ...

Pertamina lauds community supervision of subsidized fuel oil distribution

State-owned oil and gas company PT Pertamina of West Kalimantan region lauded the public for participating in ...