#global crisis

Collection of global crisis news, found 343 news.

Indonesia ready for 2012 global crisis: VP

Indonesia claimed to be ready in facing the global crisis in 2012 in view of unfinished Euro zone debt crisis. "The ...

VP Boediono optimistic Indonesia able to meet global crisis

Vice President Boediono said he was optimistic Indonesia will be able to meet the impact of current global economic ...

RI`s coffee production projected to drop

Indonesia`s coffee production next year is projected to be lower than this year at only around 600,000 tons due to the ...

President asks governors to prepare for global crisis impact

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono called on all provincial governors here on Friday to be prepared for the impact of ...

RI`s tourism to serve as safety belt amid global crisis

Indonesia`s tourism which has continued to grow in recent years is considered immune to the impact of economic crises ...

Poverty still to loom large in 2012

Despite the government`s continuous people`s welfare boosting efforts, poverty is likely to continue looming large in ...

BI predicts world economic slowdown to affect RI in 2012

The world`s economic slowdown is estimated to begin affecting Indonesia`s economic growth in 2012 which is projected ...

VP Boediono calls for anticipatory measures against tightening global liquidity

Indonesia needs to take anticipatory measures with regard to current global crisis which may worsen to cause global ...

RI textile trade still unaffected by global turmoil

The crises in the United States and Europe have so far not affected Indonesia`s textile and garment production and ...

Finance minister : RI`s forex reserves safe

Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo said on Tuesday he was not worried about the country`s US dollar-denominated ...

Indonesia must actively help solve global problems : President

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said because of the complexity of today`s global problems Indonesia must actively ...

Poverty eradication efforts need speeding up : Official

Indonesia needs to speed up its poverty eradication efforts because the number of poor people in the country is still ...

Indonesia ready to face global crisis in 2012

Having prepared itself by taking anticipatory steps in the economic field over the past several months, Indonesia ...

RI to achieve growth targets despite worsening crisis

Although the world economic crisis and recession are deepening at an increasingly worrying pace, Indonesia will still ...

BI: forex reserves enough to deal with rupiah depreciation

A central bank official said Indonesia has enough foreign exchange reserves to deal with the possibility of rupiah ...