#good example

Collection of good example news, found 183 news.

3 ways to build a sustainable and digital Asia-Pacific

The last two years have been a series of trials. Out of the changes there has been increasing attention in the digital ...

National Family Day reminder for parents to lead by example: official

The National Family Day on June 29 serves as a reminder that parents must set a good example for their children so that ...

Sacred forests positively impact conservation efforts: BRIN

The designation of sacred forests by local communities is a good example of local wisdom practice that has positive ...

GPDRR meeting proves that world can unite amid conflict: Official

The 7th Session of Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction (GPDRR) in Bali on May 25-28 is testament to the fact ...

Gov't gives weightage to transformation based on mutual assistance

The Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Ministry emphasized the importance of mutual assistance-based ...

Pandemic has encouraged varied learning methods: ministry

The COVID-19 pandemic, which has lasted for nearly two years, has broadened the variety of learning methods, and this ...

B20 task force provides policy recommendations on energy transition

The B20 Energy, Sustainability & Climate Task Force, led by state-owned oil giant PT Pertamina (Persero), has ...

Innovation: The key to VOOPOO’s leapfrog development

VOOPOO, a leading vape manufacturer, recently released a review on its development, revealing the underlying driving ...

Government encourages energy transition in Labuan Bajo

The Indonesian government is pushing for energy transition through solar power plants (PLTS) for small islands in the ...

Civil apparatus must lead efforts to develop national character: BPIP

The state civil apparatus (ASN) must be at the forefront of efforts to develop an Indonesian national character and ...

Intensive communication supports child development: Psychologist

A psychologist from the Purbalingga Resort Police, Central Java, Teguh Susilo, reminded parents that intensive ...

Jakarta kicks off COVID-19 booster drive

A COVID-19 booster vaccination drive was launched at the Kramat Jati Community Health Center (Puskesmas) in East ...

Quarantine Indonesia's key to prevent Omicron: task force

The quarantine policy is key for preventing the entry of the Omicron variant into Indonesia, the COVID-19 Handling Task ...

Jakarta, West Java, Banten models for rights-based services: Laoly

  Jakarta, West Java, and Banten provinces will serve as role models for the development of human rights-based ...

Fakfak District is example of religious moderation in Indonesia: KSP

The Presidential Staff Office (KSP) highlighted a plan to designate Fakfak District in West Papua Province as an ...