#government to government

Collection of government to government news, found 289 news.

IDI confirms COVID-19 claimed lives of 363 health workers

The mitigation team of the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) revealed that 363 health workers had succumbed to the ...

Partner with multiple countries for COVID vaccines: lawmaker to govt

Indonesia must collaborate with several countries to procure COVID-19 vaccines in order to ensure the anti-virus is of ...

Pakistan congratulates Indonesia on 75th Independence Day

The people and Government of Pakistan conveyed their warmest felicitations to the Government and fellow brothers of ...

Indonesia lauds Serbia over extraditing fugitive in bank fraud case

The Government of Indonesia praised its Serbian counterpart for its help in extraditing Maria Pauline Lumowa, a ...

BTNGR to soon reopen Mount Rinjani's hiking trails for climbers

The Mount Rinjani National Park Office (BTNGR) plans to soon reopen the hiking trails of Mount Rinjani on Lombok ...

MPR sounds alert on dengue fever surge

Deputy Chairperson of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR) Lestari Moerdijat has urged the government to give ...

News Focus

Indonesia not alone in fight against COVID-19 pandemic

Indonesia is not alone in its battle against the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, as several nations have offered ...

Indonesia cooperating with nine nations to ensure medical supplies

Indonesia is cooperating with at least nine countries to ensure the smooth supply of medical equipment to accelerate ...

Finance Ministry directs Rp3.3 trillion to BNPB for COVID-19 handling

The Ministry of Finance has directed funding of Rp3.3 trillion to the National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) to ...

Dutch investors eye investment, economic cooperation with Indonesia

Some 130 Dutch investors are tapping the possibility of cooperation with the Indonesian government and business agents ...

The Netherlands pursues deeper sustainable cooperation with Indonesia

The Netherlands is targeting to intensify trade partnership with Indonesia, particularly in sustainable businesses, ...

Indonesia, UAE strike biggest landmark deal: Luhut Pandjaitan

Indonesia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have struck the largest deal in the country's history, with the inking ...

Minister seeks investment from UAE in hydroelectricity development

Coordinating Maritime Affairs and Investment Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan offered Crown Prince of the United Arab ...

Successes in IMO expected to boost Indonesia as global maritime axis

Indonesia's successes in being re-elected as council member of category C for the 2020-2021 period of the ...

Papua provincial govt increases investment through infrastructure

The Papua Provincial Government (Pemprov) continues to increase investment through massive infrastructure development ...