#government to government

Collection of government to government news, found 289 news.

Indonesian defense minister visits Chinese defense industries

Indonesian Defense Minister Ryamizard Ryacudu visited several Chinese defense industries on Wednesday morning as part ...

Government to not use state budget for fast train project

State Enterprises Minister Rini Soemarno reiterated here on Tuesday that the Jakarta-Bandung railway project will not ...

President to celebrate day of sacrifice in Banjarmasin

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will celebrate Idul Adha, or Day of Sacrifice, in the South Kalimantan provincial ...

Commission I lauds release of two Indonesian citizens

House of Representatives Commission I Chairman Mahfudz Siddiq lauded the governments efforts in securing the release ...

Government to issue new economic policy package

Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro said revision of tax holiday will precede another policy package to be announced ...

Indonesia to participate in developing Timor Leste`s infrastructure

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has stated Indonesia is always committed to participating in the development of ...

Government could save US22 billion annually in oil imports

A lawmaker said the government could save up to US$22 billion a year in crude oil and oil fuel imports with the ...

Nepal pm says toll could rise to 10,000

The death toll from Nepals devastating earthquake could reach 10,000, the prime minister said on Tuesday, as residents ...

Asia-Africa Conference is opportunity to increase Indonesia`s global role

The 60th anniversary celebrations of the Asia-Africa Conference (AAC), which will take place in Jakarta and Bandung ...

Indonesian government prevents supply of doubled refined sugar to open market

The Indonesia trade ministry said it is seeking to prevent illegal supply of double refined sugar to the open market ...

Any decision of Golkar party tribunal should be accepted: Kalla

Vice President Jusuf Kalla said whoever is named by the Golkar party tribunal to be the general chairman of the party ...

UN chief calls for end to Libya air raids

UN chief Ban Ki-moon on Tuesday called for a halt to air strikes in Libya and for all sides to engage in talks to ...

Indonesia to adopt e-Government policy from ROK

Indonesia plans to adopt the Republic of Koreas e-Government system and aims to fully implement it by 2019, an ...

Jakarta index closes higher on Tuesday

The Jakarta composite index (JCI) extended gain closing 0.95 percent higher on Tuesday on oil fuel (BBM) price hike ...

PLN to build 15.000 MW power plants

State-owned electricity company PLN is planning to build power plants with a combined capacity of 15,000 megawatts ...