Iran`s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned on Tuesday that the country`s next president should avoid making ...
The AIDS Prevention Commission (KPA) has come up with a HIV/AIDS forum for men to reduce the number of HIV and AIDS ...
Peter Jackson`s latest fantasy epic "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey," buoyed by a buzzing holiday season and an ...
Peter Jackson turns out to have a wider moviegoer-pleasing appeal than Tom Cruise and Judd Apatow, as his middle-earth ...
Peter Jackson`s latest fantasy movie "The Hobbitt: An Unexpected Journey" stormed the North America over the weekend, ...
It`s tragic that amid a "Save Tigers` Home" tour in Sumatra by an NGO, a Sumatran tiger (Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) was ...
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is cooperating with Greenpeace in saving the Sumatran tigers ("Panthera tigris ...
A four-year-old Cambodian girl has become the seventh person to die from bird flu in the country this year, officials ...
Saudi Arabia suppresses or fails to protect the rights of millions of women, foreign workers and Shiites, and reforms ...