#heavy rains

Collection of heavy rains news, found 726 news.

Landslide cuts off road in Madiun

A landslide which hit Bodag village, Kare sub district, Madiun district, damaged a house and cut off land ...

Over 1,000 houses along code river flooded

A flood triggered by heavy rains inundated at least 1,190 houses along Code riverbank in Yogyakarta on Saturday ...

Falling trees in Jakarta hit 14 cars

Fourteen cars got damaged after being hit by toppled trees following torrential rains and strong winds that hit ...

Flash floods kill nine, sweep away hundreds of houses in Aceh

Flash floods triggered by incessant heavy rains over the past two days in mountainous area in Tangse sub district, ...

Flood inundates hundreds of houses in Sumbawa

A flood triggered by incessant heavy rains on Sunday (March 6), inundated hundreds of houses at Brang Kolong village, ...

Visitors to Borobudur temple not deterred by whirlwind

A whirlwind that hit Borobudur Temple in Magelang district, Central Java, on Saturday, did not discourage foreign and ...

Landslide damages three houses in Boyolali

A landslide that struck certain areas of the villages of Cepogo and Surodadi, Boyolali district, Central Java, on ...

Tens of Houses Inundated in Manggopoh, W Sumatra

Tens of houses were flooded at Pasa Durian Manggopoh, Lubuk Basung sub district, Agam District, West Sumatra, ...

Flash Floods Hit Aceh Jaya Villages

Flash floods triggered by heavy rains since Friday (Feb. 25), have hit seven villages in Teunom sub districts, Aceh ...

Flood submerges 475 houses in three villages in Bali

Floods inundated 475 houses in three villages of Gerokgak subdistrict, Buleleng district, Bali province, from Tuesday ...

Oil and gas production declines by 24,000 barrels a day

Indonesia`s national oil and gas production declined by 24,000 barrels a day at the beginning of February, BP Migas` ...

Flash flood hits Jepara

A flash flood triggered by heavy rains swept through a number of villages in three subdistricts in Jepara district, ...

Indonesia`s pepper exports to drop in 2011

Indonesia`s pepper exports are predicted to drop to only around 23,000 metric tons in 2011 from 63,000 metric tons in ...

Philippine floods toll hits 75, damage at $45 mln

The death toll in the Philippines from more than a month of sustained heavy rains has risen to 75, disaster agency ...

Govt to dispatch rice supplies for fishermen

The government will dispatch rice stock for fishermen in several parts of Indonesia who temporarily cannot earn a ...