
Collection of homebound news, found 221 news.

Semarang's STIE Bank Jateng building used as COVID-19 quarantine site

The Central Java provincial government has prepared the college of economics (STIE) at Bank Jateng in Semarang city to ...

389 asymptomatic carriers quarantined at Boyolali's haj dormitory

Some 389 COVID-19 asymptomatic carriers from greater Solo and Kudus District's areas commenced their mandatory ...

COVID-19 handling aid for Kudus received from 96 medical workers

Kudus District has received 96 medical workers from other areas in Central Java Province to help address a major ...

Testing, tracing, treatment should be intensified in C Java's Kudus

National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo stressed on the criticality of boosting testing, tracing, and ...

Asymptomatic COVID-19 patients offered beds at Riau's haj dormitory

The Riau provincial government demonstrated its seriousness in taking precautionary measures against a potential hike ...

Frontline medical worker succumbs to COVID-19 after giving birth

A frontline medical worker in Bandarlampung, Lampung Province, succumbed to COVID-19 after delivering a baby on ...

Tegal district head tests positive for COVID-19

Tegal District Head Umi Azizah tested positive for the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), though her condition ...

Some 476 homeward-bound travelers symptomatic with COVID-19: police

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police have extended the enforcement of the Ketupat Jaya until May 31, as 476 homeward-bound ...

North Maluku police continue providing antigen tests in tourist spots

The North Maluku police continue to make contribution to Indonesia's COVID-19 prevention efforts by conducting ...

Some 900 COVID-19 patients still hospitalized at Jakarta's Wisma Atlet

Some 900 COVID-19 patients are still hospitalized at Jakarta’s Wisma Atlet Kemayoran emergency hospital on ...

Jakarta provides 31,000 antigen test kits for Eid returning travelers

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police will provide 31,000 antigen swab test kits at checkpoints for residents of Jakarta, ...

Jakarta police to check Eid returning travelers till May end

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police plan to operate checkpoints until the end of May 2021 to check residents who return to ...

Jakartans returning home must hold COVID-19-free certificates: police

Residents of Jakarta returning home after celebrating the Eid al-Fitr festivity in their hometowns outside the capital ...

Safeguard beloved people from COVID-19 transmission: Health minister

The genuine victory on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr this year is shielding beloved people from the spread of COVID-19, ...

Foreign envoys wish Indonesian Muslims a happy, peaceful Eid al-Fitr

Several foreign envoys in Jakarta, in their video greetings, wished Indonesian Muslims a happy and peaceful Eid ...