
Collection of honest news, found 304 news.

Rudd to challenge Australian PM Gillard

Kevin Rudd on Friday announced he would challenge Prime Minister Julia Gillard for the leadership of Australia`s ...

Human resources` quality RI`s strongest asset : foreign investor

Indonesia`s strongest asset in its working relations with foreign investors is the quality of its human resources, a ...

Democrat party calls on coalition members to be consistent

The ruling Democrat Party has urged other parties in the government coalition to remain consistent in their support ...

RI maintains open mind to int`l cooperation to preserve environment

Indonesia has always maintained an open mind to cooperation with international organizations to conserve its forests ...

Mahfud supports prolongation of anti-judicial mafia body`s existence

Constitutional Court chairman Mahfud MD has expressed support for the extension of the tenure of the Judicial Mafia ...

Media people should practice prophetic journalism: Observer

Media observer Parni Hadi called on people working in the media industry to implement prophetic journalism based on ...

The Freeport Case, government's lost conscience

The Political and security situation in Papua is still heating up, beginning with the repeated shootings spree at ...

I`m not sorry, British burglar writes to victims

A teenage burglar in Britain wrote to his victims telling them he was not sorry and they were to blame because they ...

Prabowo ranked highest as presidential candidate

Prabowo Subianto, chairman of the Advisory Board of the Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra), is ranked the ...

Differences As Force To Strengthen Brotherhood In Maluku

Although the sectarian conflict that raged in Maluku province from early 1999 until 2002 was actually the result of ...

Differences as force to strengthen brotherhood in Maluku

Although the sectarian conflict that raged in Maluku province from early 1999 until 2002 was actually the result of ...

Maluku governor attends halal bihalal friendship gathering

Maluku Governor Karel Albert Ralahalu attended a Halal Bihalal friendship gathering bot both Muslim and Christian ...

Moslems must strive to become rich : leader

An Islamic leader has called on Moslems in the country to strive to become rich so that they could wage the fight to ...

Catholic priest jailed for repeatedly raping a nun

A court in southern Italy Wednesday jailed Catholic priest Fedele Bisceglie for nine years and three months for ...

Scientists want climate change early-warning system

A better monitoring network for greenhouses gases is needed to warn of significant changes and to keep countries that ...