#human resources improvement

Collection of human resources improvement news, found 13 news.

C Sulawesi seeks to boost food production through transformation

The Central Sulawesi government emphasizes agricultural transformation toward modern practices to boost provincial food ...

Mutual cooperation needed to create Indonesia's competent workforce

Indonesia will be entering a phase of demographic dividend in the next few years. Statistics Indonesia (BPS) ...

Expect Indonesia’s talents to pursue career at WB: Indrawati

Indonesia’s best talents are expected to join the World Bank Group (WBG) and develop their career, Minister of ...

Central Sulawesi, West Java open cooperation for regional development

Central Sulawesi and West Java provinces have established cooperation for developing their local potential to bolster ...

Jakarta Prosecutor's Office to improve HR, transparency in 2023

The Jakarta Higher Prosecutor's Office (Kejati) is committed to improving the quality of human resources and ...

New university students must study according to interests: minister

New university students must enjoy more freedom to learn things according to their interests, Education, Culture, ...

KSP asks campuses to develop research, technology

Head of the Presidential Staff Office Moeldoko has urged campuses to develop research and technology for ...

President targets 150 thousand internship participants in 2022

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has targeted 150 thousand college students to partake in various internships through the ...

Kominfo pushes three strategies to handle negative online content

The Communication and Informatics Ministry (Kominfo) has said it is continuing to push three key strategies, from the ...

Ministry ensures fulfilment of MBKM participants' rights

Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Ministry's official, Nizam, will ensure the fulfillment of rights of ...

Minister to expedite programs for human resources' improvement in 2022

Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Minister Nadiem Anwar Makarim will continue policies to improve the ...

Government appreciates Insantama Islamic School`s leadership program

The annual training on leadership program conducted by Insantama Islamic High School, Bogor, West Java province, has ...

Sabang Festival expected to attract 30,000 tourists

The Third Sabang Festival is expected to attract 30 thousand tourists to visit Weh Island, Head of Sabang Culture and ...