The APEC economy is expected to show 3.5-percent growth in 2023 and is projected to sustain growth at 3.2 percent in ...
The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) is striving to continue developing creative economy ...
Bank Indonesia (BI) stated that Indonesia's foreign exchange reserves reached US$144 billion at the end of February ...
Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) discussed three important topics during a bilateral meeting with Cambodian ...
The Indonesian Trade Ministry has issued a permit for the import of 1.6 million tons of rice to secure the ...
The rice import policy is aimed at solidifying the government's rice reserves and will not hurt national ...
Indonesia is importing 300,000 tons of rice from Thailand and Pakistan to bolster its national food stocks ahead of ...
Indonesia's Ministry of Law and Human Rights discussed the intellectual property (IP) chapter during the 17th Round ...
The Agriculture Ministry is preparing swamp land in South Sumatra as a productive agricultural area to make the region ...
The Indonesian Government revised the target value for the domestic component level (TKDN) in the assembly of ...
The Ministry of Trade recorded potential temporary transactions of US$20 million, or approximately Rp312 billion, for ...
Indonesian Vice President (Wapres) Ma'ruf Amin stated that Indonesia has the potential to reduce beef imports by ...
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), on Thursday (February 29), is scheduled to visit Bontang City, East Kalimantan, to ...
The National Food Agency (Bapanas) announced that the government is preparing to import an additional 1.6 million tons ...
Deputy Minister of Trade Jerry Sambuaga clarified that used clothing are allowed to be sold in Indonesia as long as ...