#independence day commemoration

Collection of independence day commemoration news, found 70 news.

State Palace to openly commemorate Indonesia's 77th Independence Day

The State Palace will openly commemorate the 77th Indonesian Independence Day by inviting the public on August 17, ...

News Focus

Indonesia marks 76th Independence Day with low-key celebrations

For the second consecutive year, the Indonesian people celebrated the country's Independence Day, which falls on ...

Amid pandemic, we must believe every cloud has silver lining: SBY

Commenting on the commemoration of the 76th anniversary of Indonesian independence amid the pandemic, former president ...

Independence commemoration reminder to fight pandemic together: FSK

The second Independence Day commemoration amid the pandemic must serve as a momentum for all citizens to work together ...

News Focus

Independence through eyes of those at the forefront against COVID-19

The emergence of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) outbreak had dealt a major blow to the world and paralyzed all ...

News Focus

Youths usher in 75th Independence Day by embracing personal freedom

Free and freedom are the two answers given by most youths in response to the question: what is a word you think about ...

Original proclamation text written by Soekarno to be displayed

The original text of the proclamation written by the hands of the late Soekarno will be presented at the Commemoration ...

Over 10,000 climbers to commemorate Independence Day on Mt Bawakaraeng

More than 10 thousand climbers have registered to take part in the commemoration ceremony of the 75th Anniversary of ...

Police confirms security situation safe across Papua

The security situation throughout Papua Province was safe in the run-up to Indonesia's 74th Independence Day ...

News Focus

Ensuring RI's Independence Day celebrations run peacefully in Papua

Indonesia's 74th Independence Day commemoration on August 17 in Papua is expected to run peacefully, but the ...

Six more orangutans set free in forest habitat

The Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation (BOSF) has marked the country's 73rd Independence Day commemoration by ...

Lawmaker describes targets in draft state budget quite conservative

Leading law maker Mukhammad Misbakhun said he would support the government in bringing to reality a credible state ...

KPK questions president`s position on draft law on KUHP

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) questions the position of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) concerning the ...

Indonesia has become most important country in Asia: NSW Governor

During the seven decades of progress, Indonesia has grown to become the most important country in Asia, Governor of ...

Indonesians celebrate Independence Day with spirit of unity in diversity

The commemoration of Indonesias 72nd Independence Day on Thursday was held throughout the country with a strong ...