#indonesian palm

Collection of indonesian palm news, found 263 news.

India seeking to enhance air connectivity between Assam, ASEAN countries

India is seeking to improve air connectivity in its Northeastern region, especially from Guwahati to cities of ...

Northeast India eyes to be gateway to Southeast Asia

Assam, a state in Northeast India, is seeking to position itself as a gateway to Southeast Asia and ASEAN member ...

Assam CM invites ASEAN countries to open consulates in Guwahati

The government of Assam, a state in Northeast India, has invited ASEAN member countries to set up their consulate ...

Indonesia, India ensure sustainable palm oil production and trade

Representatives of the Indonesian Palm Oil Board (DMSI), Solvent Extractors` Association of India, and Solidaridad ...

Some 50 indian businessmen to visit Indonesia in October

Businessmen of some 50 Indian companies were scheduled to visit Jakarta at the end of October to explore trade ...

Palm oil production adequate to produce B30 biofuel

The palm oil producers who are members of the Indonesian Palm Oil Business Association (Gapki) said national palm oil ...

Indonesia, Finland achieve significant increase in bilateral ties

Indonesia and Finland have achieved a significant increase in bilateral ties in 2017, Indonesian Foreign Minister ...

Downstream palm oil industry growing

The Indonesian Federation of Vegetable oil Industries (GIMNI) said the country`s downstream palm oil industry grew ...

Indonesia, India step up bilateral ties

Indonesia and India are currently moving ahead to intensify bilateral ties in various fields, including stepping up ...

Indonesian, Indian chambers agree to partnership in four sectors

The Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Kadin) and Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) agreed to focus on ...

RI to prioritize trade diplomacy for palm oil

The government would prioritize trade diplomacy for Indonesian palm oil sector, after the European Union Parliament`s ...

RI needs to expand its cpo market, solve local problem

Indonesia needs to expand the market for its crude palm oil (CPO) at home and abroad and resolve the problems being ...

Vatican to facilitate Indonesian palm oil seminar

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan said Vatican would facilitate palm oil seminar to ...

Indonesia backs global efforts to promote Ugandan farmers` welfare

Indonesia strongly supports global efforts to promote the living standard of Ugandan poor farmers through the National ...

Indonesia, Ghana unite against negative campaign on palm oil

The governments of Indonesia and Ghana have agreed to cooperate against the negative campaign on palm oil ...