
Collection of infection news, found 1.907 news.

Jakarta readies 3,987 police officers for new normal early stage

The Metropolitan Police of Jakarta readied 3,987 personnel in the early stages of preparations to implement health ...

Spokesman confirms 180 new recoveries from COVID-19 infection

Indonesia recorded 180 new recoveries from the COVID-19 infection on Wednesday, thereby bringing the total count of ...

47 Indonesian nurses contracted COVID-19 in Kuwait

A total of 59 Indonesians, including 47 nurses, contracted the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) infection in Kuwait ...

President orders immediate dissemination of "new normal" protocols

President Joko Widodo called to immediately disseminate information to the public on the new normal protocols to be ...

New normal order to be applied in specific sectors: President

A new normal order to ensure the public stays safe while being productive in conducting activities amid the COVID-19 ...

Five health workers in Probolinggo infected with COVID-19: Task force

Five health workers contracted the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), thereby bringing the total number of medical ...

86% SOEs ready to implement 'new normal' protocol

Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN), Erick Thohir, said that 86 percent of state companies are ready to ...

10 COVID-19 patients recover in Riau

Ten more people have recovered from the novel coronavirus disease in Riau Province as of Tuesday, with the province ...

COVID-19: Recoveries increase by 235 to reach 5,877

With 235 more COVID-19 patients recovering from the infection in Indonesia, the total number of recoveries has ...

34 medical workers in Papua exposed to COVID-19

Two more medical workers have been infected with COVID-19 in Papua, bringing the total number of such workers testing ...

New normal work protocol focuses on building immunity

Health protocols laid down for workplaces, as part of the ‘new normal’, include ensuring employees are not ...

News Focus

Indonesians asked to prepare for new normal

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has asked Indonesians, and businesses entities in particular, to prepare to coexist ...

NTHU uses big data to counter coronavirus

- National Tsing Hua University (NTHU) has recently begun to collaborate with Facebook and Harvard University in using ...

Perform Idul Fitri prayer at home: Istiqlal Mosque's grand imam

Istiqlal Mosque's grand imam, Professor KH Nasaruddin Umar, urged Indonesian Muslims nationwide to perform the Idul ...

Health workers isolated, Kapuas Hospital's emergency unit closed

The emergency unit (IGD) of Dr. Soemarno Sostroatmodjo Public Hospital in Kuala Kapuas, Kapuas, Central Kalimantan, ...