
Collection of insp news, found 365 news.

House commission to summon TNI Commander over arms polemics

The House of Representatives Commission I will summon Indonesian Defense Forces (TNI) Commander General Gatot ...

Ship with a ton of methamphetamine fugitive in four countries

Finance Minister Sri Mulyani said a ship the Wanderlust allegedly carrying a ton of methamphetamine had been a ...

Public trust in police continues to increase: President

Public trust and confidence in the national police continues to increase, President Joko Widodo stated. "A report ...

Police urged to be more professional

Vice Chairman of The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Laode M Syarif expected that the National Police would be ...

Police foil attempt to cross 110 kg of marijuana

The Lampung police have foiled an attempt to cross 110 kilograms of dry marijuana via the Bakauheni port of Lampung ...

Obama and family leave bali for Yogyakarta

Former US President Barack Obama and family left Bali for Yogyakarta after spending a week holidaying on the resort ...

Police officer in Medan attacked and killed by terrorists?

Two unidentified men believed to be terrorists were reportedly attacking and killing a police guard on duty early on ...

Police to protect vital locations during Lebaran

The police will take anticipatory steps to protect vital locations and police offices from terror threats in the run ...

Government to evacuate 11 Indonesians from Marawi

The government is currently seeking to evacuate 11 Indonesians from the besieged Marawi City on the southern island of ...

Three suspected terrorists linked to Kampung Melayu blast detained

The national polices counterterrorism squad Densus 88 and West Java Provinces police personnel detained three ...

House commission to evaluate police performance

Commission III of the House of Representatives (DPR) will summon Police Chief Gen Tito Karnavian for a hearing, ...

Government successfully lowers garlic prices

In the run-up to the fasting month of Ramadan that begins at the end of next week, the prices of commodities are now ...

No need for mass mobilization to Jakarta: Police chief

The Indonesian Police Chief Gen. Tito Karnavian has stressed that mass mobilization on the day of the Jakartas ...

Police arrest a district legislators alleged involved ISIS

Police anti terror squad Densus 88 has arrested a member of the Pasuruan district legislative assembly (DPRD) ...

Indonesia cautioned of being targeted by pedophiles

Child sexual abuse is one of the problems often faced by Indonesia, and the government is committed to tackling the ...