
Collection of insp news, found 365 news.

Mily, police joint team to evacuate rebel attack victims

The military and police joint team is readied to evacuate victims of the armed Papuan rebel attack from the site in ...

Task forces deployed to monitor year-end food prices

Supplies of food and other basic necessities usually run short in the run-up to Christmas and New Year, thereby often ...

President Jokowi arrives in Merauke

President Joko Widodo arrived in Merauke, at the wee hours on Friday for a working visit in Papua ...

Anti-drug agency shoots dead drug kingpin in Aceh

The National Anti-Drug Agency (BNN) shot dead Burhanuddin, a wanted drug kingpin, in Aceh on Wednesday, the agency`s ...

90 percent of drug smuggling into Indonesia via sea

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) said 90 percent of drug smuggling in Indonesia is made via sea. International ...

Police identify four suspects spreading hoaxes on Palu disasters

Police said they have identified four suspects spreading hoaxes that added to the panic gripping the people especially ...

Indonesia`s narcotic agency seizes 10 kg of meth smuggled from Malaysia

Indonesia`s National Narcotic Agency (BNN) seized 10 kg of crystal methamphetamine smuggled from Malaysia, in Kubu ...

Four thousand police to strengthen traffic police squad for Asian Games

A total of four thousand traffic police personnel will strengthen the traffic security personnel during the ...

Agency foils attempt to smuggle drugs from Ethiopia

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) and the Customs and Excise Department have foiled an attempt to smuggle drugs into ...

Police, military intensify guards at churches in Surabaya

A joint patrol of police and military officers intensified guard during Sunday mass and services at churches in ...

155 terror convicts transferred to Nusakambangan

Some 155 detained terror convicts have been moved to the Nusakambangan Prison Island following two days of deadly ...

Five named suspects for spreading hoax, provocative news

The police have named at least five suspects belonging to the Family Muslim Cyber Army (MCA) for allegedly ...

Malaysian drug dealer shot dead for trying to escape

A narcotic drug dealer who is a member of a Malaysian drug ring has been shot dead for trying to escape following his ...

Bali`s hotels ready to accommodate delegates to IMF-World Bank meeting

The Indonesian Hotels and Restaurant Association (PHRI) of Bali said a number of hotels in the tourist island already ...

House urges government to settle polemics over import of arms

Commission I of the House of Representatives has urged the government to placate the polemics over the import of arms ...