#intelligence agency

Collection of intelligence agency news, found 615 news.

Indonesia suspends police cooperation with Australian

The Indonesian police have suspended cooperation with Australia police over spying row. The Indonesian government ...

International law professor concerned about Indonesia-Australia relations

A university professor has expressed concern over the strain on relations between Indonesia and Australia following ...

Indonesia to send official letter on wiretapping to Australia

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has said he would send an official letter regarding the wiretapping ...

Australia assures no wiretapping to take place again: BIN

Australia has assured Indonesia that no wiretapping will be conducted ever again on Indonesian officials, the Chief of ...

President Yudhoyono urges Indonesians in Australia to stay calm

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has urged Indonesian nationals in Australia to remain calm and carry on as usual ...

President suspends several cooperations with Australia

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has temporarily stopped cooperation between Indonesia and Australia in a number of ...

Govt will not severe diplomatic ties with Australia

The Indonesian government will not move with haste and severe diplomatic relations with Australia, even though it has ...

RI should expel Australia`s envoy following tapping case: Lawmaker

A member of parliament from Commission I handling defense and intelligence affairs Tjahjo Kumolo said Indonesian ...

Snowden can provide info about Century case: legislator

House of Representatives Commission I Vice Chairman TB Hasanuddin said former NSA contractor Edward Snowden could have ...

Indonesian authorities continue investigating wiretapping issue

Indonesia continued investigating and seeking clarification with regard to alleged wiretapping on a number of its ...

President Yudhoyono concerned over police shooting incident

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono expressed his concern over a shooting incident on Tuesday night that had left a ...

Terrorism still real in Jakarta: Lawmaker

A lawmaker from the Commission III of the House of Representatives (DPR) Eva Kusuma Sundari said Tuesday`s shooting of ...

President chairs consultation meeting with law enforcers

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono chaired a consultation meeting with law enforcers at the State Palace on ...

Police to launch operations in wake of mysterious shootings

The National Police will soon crack down on illegal possession of firearms, following the recent shooting attacks on ...

Same group behind shooting attacks on Indonesian police

The Indonesian National Intelligence Agency (BIN) chief Marciano Norman has said there are strong indications that the ...