#investment commitments

Collection of investment commitments news, found 70 news.

Investment commitments up 119% in January

Jakarta  - The Capital Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) recorded a 119 percent increase in investment ...

Japan is potential investor for Indonesia in 2016

Indonesia which is intensively carrying out development to advance its economy needs a lot of funds to develop its ...

Indonesia targets US$13 bln investment from Japan

The Indonesian Capital Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) has set a target to attract US$13 billion in investment ...

PM Cameron in Indonesia to open doors for future trade

British Prime Minister David Cameron accompanied by a trade delegation comprising 31 business leaders has chosen ...

BKPM receives investment commitments from S. Korean investors

The Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) has received investment commitments to the tune of US$9.7 billion from South ...

Indonesia hoping to lure investors during WEFEA

As the host of the 24th World Economic Forum on East Asia (WEFEA), the Indonesian government is hoping to lure as ...

Investment predicted to exceed US$31 billion

The Capital Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM) said it is optimistic the investment target would be overshot this ...

Minister : Japan`s investment commitments to continue

Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Hatta Rajasa has confirmed that Japan`s investment commitments in Indonesia ...

Govt to sign coal bed methane development contracts

The government will sign a number of coal bed methane cooperation contracts offered in 2010, a senior energy official ...

Govt to offer 50 oil, gas blocks in 2011

The government is to offer 50 oil and gas blocks in Indonesia to interested parties in two auctioning rounds in 2011, ...