
Collection of judges news, found 736 news.

Ahok claims no evidence indicating he insulted Islam

Incumbent Jakarta Governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) defended himself by claiming there was no evidence that he ...

Dahlan Iskan sentenced to two years in jail

The Surabaya Corruption Court has sentenced former state-owned enterprises minister Dahlan Iskan to two years in jail ...

Siti Aisyah`s trial to resume in May

The court session for the Kim Jong Nam murder case involving Indonesian national Siti Aisyah and Vietnamese citizen ...

Public prosecutors to present evidence to charge Siti Aisyah: Ministry

The Foreign Affairs Ministry said public prosecutors will have to show evidence on April 13 in order to charge Siti ...

President Jokowi receives three names for constitutional judge`s post

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has received the names of three candidates for the post of Constitutional ...

President Jokowi approves new recruitment of 1,800 judges

President Joko Widodo has approved recruitment of 18,000 new judges to make up for shortage over the past seven ...

President witnesses inauguration of new chief of Supreme Court

President Joko Widodo witnessed the swearing-in ceremony of Hatta Ali as the new chairman of the Supreme Court (MA) ...

Assad says Trump travel ban targets terrorists, not Syria`s people

Syrias President Bashar al-Assad said President Donald Trumps ban on Syrians entering the United States targeted ...

President agrees to recruit more judges

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has agreed to the Supreme Courts request to recruit more judges for district and ...

MK Ethics Council questions Patrialis Akbar

The Constitutional Courts (MKs) Ethics Council on Monday questioned MKs justice Patrialis Akbar at the Corruption ...

President Jokowi receives MK's recommendation letter for judge dismissal

President Joko Widodo received a recommendation letter for the temporary dismissal of Constitutional Courts (MKs) ...

Businessman gives money to MK justice Patrialis` close friend

Beef import businessman Basuki Hariman admitted to have given US$20 thousand and S$200 thousand to Kamaludin, a close ...

Immersion Brewing Class introduced for 2017 AICA

- Entries for the 2017 Australian International Coffee Awards (AICA) are now open, with the announcement that in ...

Judges reject Ahok`s exception in blasphemy trial

A panel of judges of the North Jakarta District Court, here, Tuesday, rejected the exception presented by non-active ...

Judges to announce interlocutory decision on Ahok trial over blasphemy case

The third hearing in blasphemy trial of non-active Governor of Jakarta Basuki Tjahaja Purnama (Ahok) was held at the ...