#kecelakaan kereta

Collection of kecelakaan kereta news, found 4 news.

Bus-kereta tabrakan, empat tewas, 24 luka parah di Prancis

Empat pelajar meninggal dan 24 orang lagi, termasuk 21 pelajar, luka parah saat kereta bertabrakkan dengan bus sekolah ...

Seven people killed in car-train collision in Tasikmalaya

Seven people died after the Pasundan train rammed into a mini van at Cibeureum sub-district in West Java provincial ...

Two killed as car hit by train in southwestern Japan

Two people were killed after their minivehicle was hit by an oncoming express train at a crossing in Kurume, Fukuoka ...

At least 31 killed in train-bus collision in N India

At least 31 people were killed and over 30 others injured when a fast speeding train crashed a bus in the northern ...