
Collection of kendal news, found 144 news.

Indonesian housemaid murderd In S`pore

The Indonesian embassy in Singapore confirmed the Indonesian woman named Ruliyawati from Kendal, Central Java, was ...

27 Indonesians evacuated from Libya

Some 27 Indonesians had been evacuated from Libya after the Indonesian embassy in Tripoli was closed, after last ...

Caterpillars spread to 17 locations in C Java

The Central Java agricultural, food crops and horticultural agency said that caterpillars have also spread to 17 ...

RI Govt confirms huge iron ore deposit in Kulon Progo

Industry Minister M.S. Hidayat has confirmed the presence of a deposit of 300 million tons of iron ore in Kulon ...

President opens PKB national working confab

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono Tuesday morning opened a national working conference and 2011 ...

Who needs to buy orangutans?

Orangutans are among the world`s most endangered and protected animal species yet in reality they continue to be the ...

Number of suspects in Temanggung riots now 25

The number of suspects in the case of rioting in Temanggung, Central Java, recently rose to 25 from 24 after one ...

Two skulls of burnt roro identified

Only the ashes and skulls of two dead victims of KMP Laut Teduh II which had caught fire earlier had been identified ...

RI-Indian bizmen`s cooperation worth 15.12 billion dollars

Indonesian and Indian businessmen have signed 18 memoranda of understanding (MoUs) on investments and development ...