President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) expressed strong belief on Thursday that Indonesia would recover from the ongoing new ...
The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) has encouraged the promotion of trade in medical goods to save lives amid ...
The National Council for Inclusive Finance (DNKI) called on the recipients of the pre-employment card to set aside ...
- "A Checklist for pandemic influenza risk and management impact"(2018 update.
The Institute for Development of Economics and Finance (INDEF) has called on the government to focus more on ...
Some people are fascinated by medical dramas because they are keen on observing how our bodies function, or ...
Expansion of the labor-intensive program is projected to compensate for the impact of economic slowdown in rural areas ...
Andre Rahadian, chief of the Task Force's volunteer coordination, confirmed that as of Thursday morning, 23,472 ...
Indonesia, which declared the coronavirus outbreak a national emergency ever since it emerged in March, has finally ...
"On this virus, I think we're in the middle of a massive experiment worldwide and the experiment is: will ...
At a time when all Indonesian citizens have been asked to stay at home to curb coronavirus transmissions, there are ...
A legislator urged the Indonesian government to offer contingency funds to finance the evacuation of Indonesian migrant ...
President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) clarified that inmates convicted in corruption cases were barred from being released as ...
Today is supposed to be another significant day for Confucians when they would have performed religious prayer over ...
Indonesia is currently battling an invisible, fast-moving enemy called the novel coronavirus, which has infected more ...