#marine affairs and fisheries

Collection of marine affairs and fisheries news, found 559 news.

Neighboring countries interested in Indonesia`s fishery sector: Official

A fishery director general said a number of neighboring countries have expressed interest in investing in the ...

Ministry claims success in fight against fish poaching

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries claimed that its focused efforts on curbing illegal fishing practices ...

Aquaculture challenges to continue to increase

Challenges in aquaculture will constantly increase with the growing global population that needs protein as a food ...

Indonesia to host initiatives for capacity building in Asia-Africa

The government of Indonesia, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, will undertake several capacity building ...

No diplomacy needed to sink illegal fishing boats: Observer

The government does not need to conduct diplomacy to sink foreign boats caught illegally poaching fish in the countrys ...

Natuna fishing seaport to become operational by mid-2016

The development of an integrated fishing seaport on the strait of Lampa, Kepulauan Natuna district, Kepulauan Riau ...

Indonesian Fisheries Minister seeking zero tariff rate in Europe

Indonesian Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) Susi Pudjiastuti wants a zero tariff rate to be imposed on ...

Rizal Ramli meets three ministers to discuss salt cartel issue

Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Rizal Ramli held a meeting with three ministers to discuss the alleged ...

Visitors begin flocking to Kayubura Beach to witness Sail Tomini

Several days before the main event of Sail Tomini is held, thousands of people have begun to flock to the Kayubura ...

Indonesian government to revise regulation on salt imports

The Indonesian government plans to revise its regulation on salt imports in order to increase domestic purchases of ...

Farmers urge govt to stop salt imports

Salt farmers grouped in the Pamekasan Salt Commission have urged the government to stop salt imports into the country ...

Indonesia fit to serve as world maritime axis

Indonesia which has geographical and demographical excellence can properly serve as the worlds maritime axis as what ...

President Jokowi launches revitalization program for traditional markets

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), accompanied by First Lady Iriana Widodo, launched a program to revitalize one thousand ...

Hike in fish prices only benefits traders: Kiara

The hike in fish prices across various markets in several regions did not benefit the fishermen but only the traders, ...

Benjina slavery case sheds light on other crimes

The alleged slavery case by the Thai firm PT Pusaka Benjina Resource (PBR), based in Aru Island, Maluku province, has ...