
Collection of mataram news, found 743 news.

Ministry launches gender responsive textbooks in islamic university

The Ministry of Women Empowerment and Children Protection introduced gender responsive textbooks in an Islamic ...

BI upbeat about 5.5 percent economic growth despite coronavirus threat

Bank Indonesia (BI) is optimistic that Indonesia will record an economic growth of 5.1-5.5 percent this year despite a ...

N Sumatra police officer arrested in drug case

The police investigators in Tanah Karo District, North Sumatra Province, arrested the police chief of Payung ...

Mataram city police uncover drug in prison

Mataram City police in West Nusa Tenggara uncovered a drug in prison after two suspects, with the initials RA and AB, ...

Poland invests to establish thermal power plant in East Lombok

Poland has invested to establish a thermal power plant, PLTU Lombok FTP-2, worth Rp1.8 trillion (around US$128 billion) ...

Hindus sanctify Prambanan Temple after 1,163 years

Hundreds of Hindus across Indonesia performed the Abhiseka ritual of sanctification for the first time in 1,163 years, ...

Mataram authorities await ministry's decision to relocate Felix

The Correctional Facilities of Mataram, West Nusa Tenggara, await the decision of the Ministry of Law and Human ...

Chinese biomass company to support waste management in NTB

Everbright International (EI), the largest Chinese company specializing in waste management and biomass power plant, ...

41 countries participating in 'Java Summer Camp 2019'

As many as 99 foreign nationals from 41 countries are taking part in the "8th Java Summer Camp 2919" being ...

News Focus

Realizing dignified world of work through ILO Convention No. 190

The nation’s people were left in a state of shock and disbelief after the case of Baiq Nuril Maknun, a former ...

Fourfold rise in Australians visiting West Nusa Tenggara

The direct flight between Lombok in West Nusa Tenggara Province (NTB) and Perth in Australia has contributed to a ...

20,500 Jakarta police, military officers to secure student rally

The Jakarta Police have placed on guard 20,500 officers in the face of university students again staging a ...

Police probe ongoing over two Halu Oleo university student deaths

The Indonesian Police's investigation team is yet in the process of conducting a probe into the deaths of two ...

MER-C avers in baseless accusation of ambulances of carrying stones

Medical Emergency Response Committee (MER-C) Indonesia adviser Joserizal Jurnalis quoted it as saying that levelling ...

IMM calls on National Police to investigate cadre's death

The Muhammadiyah Students Association (IMM) urged the National Police to conduct a comprehensive and transparent probe ...