#mental health

Collection of mental health news, found 331 news.

News Focus

Indonesia channels spirit of 'gotong royong' in COVID-19 battle

Since it first emerged in Wuhan, China, in late 2019, the coronavirus disease has spread to 211 countries and ...

Presidential Staff Office launches "SEJIWA" psychological aid service

The Presidential Staff Office launched a consultation service for mental health care termed "SEJIWA" to help ...

University of Indonesia providing counseling amid COVID-19 pandemic

University of Indonesia's Nursing School is running a COVID-19 Crisis Center to provide consultation and counseling ...

Mental health guide launched for those observing self-quarantine

A practical guide for maintaining mental health and organizing work-from-home activities during self-quarantine was ...

ANTARA's Choice

Raw emotions, blunt words fill the world of modern poetry

It is fair to say that modern poetry can be rather polarizing and easily become a center of debate among poetry ...

Weekend Stories

Exploring the taste of Asian drama movies

Amid the surge of Hollywood dramas, films coming from the Asian region can often tend to be overlooked but despite ...

Fugitive drug dealer arrested after three years: police

A drug dealer, who fled Sialang Bungkuk Penitentiary, Pekanbaru, Riau, along with 472 other inmates on May 5, 2017, was ...

Indonesian police arrests American national for drug-related offense

The South Jakarta metropolitan police have apprehended a 27-year-old American national, only identified by his initials ...

Year Ender 2019

Year ends but mental health awareness continues

Shortness of breath, disrupted vision, trembling, and a rapid heart rate are among the most common physical ...

Pneumococcal vaccine subsidy not for pharma giants: MSF

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) called on Vaccine Alliance (Gavi) board members to immediately stop paying ...

Weekend Stories

Air pollution issues still shroud South-East Asian countries

Despite being home to an abundance of rich natural resources, poor air quality and vast environmental degradation ...

Doctors in Bandarlampung campaign for mental health awareness

Some 20 doctors from Lampung Provincial Mental Hospital began a campaign on Thursday at the Bandarlampung's Adipura ...

P&G reimagines creativity to reinvent advertising through innovative new creative partnerships

- The Procter & Gamble Company (NYSE:PG) today announced a series of innovative new creative partnerships with John ...

Several hundred mentally ill people cast ballot in East Jakarta

Several hundred individuals ailing from mental health issues exercised their rights to vote at the Bina Laras Harapan ...

News feature - Art as a means of survival By Aria Cindyara

Amid the lack of recognition and stigma towards mental health issues, Hana Alfikih has somehow found her way to make ...