
Collection of methamphetamine news, found 808 news.

Indonesian police confiscate 50 kilograms of crystal meth from Malaysia

The National Police have seized 50 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine, 15 thousand ecstasy pills, and a pack of ...

News Focus

Drug rings keep challenging Indonesia`s law enforcers By Rahmad Nasution

The National Narcotics Agency`s (BNN) success in thwarting an attempt to smuggle some 1.4 tonnes of marijuana into ...

Two Indonesians who escaped Malaysian death penalty return to families

The Foreign Affairs Ministry has returned Siti Nurhidayah and Mattari, two Indonesians, who escaped death penalty in ...

BNN foils attempt to smuggle 72 kg of drugs from Malaysia

The National Anti-Narcotics Agency (BNN) has foiled an attempt to smuggle 72 kilograms of methamphetamine from ...

Four kilograms of crystal meth destroyed in Aceh: BNN

The Aceh National Narcotics Agency (BNN) here on Wednesday destroyed four kilograms of crystal methamphetamine that ...

Police foil distribution of 48.4 kg of methamphetamine

Anti drug unit of Medan police has arrested four men on charge of traffic in illegal drugs. North Sumatra Police ...

Attempt to smuggle seven kg of crystal meth from Malaysia thwarted

The Police Criminal Investigation Agency (Bareskrim) has seized seven kilograms of crystal methamphetamine allegedly ...

Police shot dead two drug suspects

Anti narcotic squad of the Indonesian police shot dead two alleged members of drug syndicate of ...

Police unveil 15 drug cases in n Sumatra

The Narcotics Directorate of North Sumatra Police said it has unveiled 15 cases of international drug syndicates ...

Anti-drug agency shoots dead drug kingpin in Aceh

The National Anti-Drug Agency (BNN) shot dead Burhanuddin, a wanted drug kingpin, in Aceh on Wednesday, the agency`s ...

Papua police arrest two drug users

The Papua police have arrested two drug users at two different locations in the Abepura area of Jayapura, the capital ...

Police resort of Makassar captures 429 drug dealers and users

Police Resort of the Big City (Polrestabes) of Makassar in South Sulawesi succeeded in arresting 429 suspected drug ...

Two Malaysian drug smugglers arrested in Surabaya

The Indonesian police have arrested two Malaysian citizens for allegedly smuggling 1.05 kilograms of crystal ...

Police arrest two drug traffickers in Pangkalpinang

Pangkalpinang police have arrested two drug traffickers in this provincial city. Aldo (19) and Fitriansyah (37) ...

90 percent of drug smuggling into Indonesia via sea

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) said 90 percent of drug smuggling in Indonesia is made via sea. International ...