
Collection of mitigation news, found 5.425 news.

BMKG outlines causes for cold temperatures in Java

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has attributed the recent cold spell in most of Java to a ...

Govt urges regions to create mercury elimination action plans

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry has urged regional governments to create regional action plans for mercury ...

Zero Waste Zero Emission 2050 to reduce waste emissions: Minister

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry launched the Zero Waste Zero Emission 2050 document in Jakarta on Tuesday, ...

OceanXplorer docks at Port of Benoa for marine research with Indonesia

OceanX's research vessel OceanXplorer arrived at the Port of Benoa in Denpasar, Bali, on Monday to start a marine ...

Govt supports formation of task force for preserving cultural wisdom

Communication and Informatics Minister Budi Arie Setiadi voiced his support to the formation of the Task Force for ...

BRIN gets 500 research samples from maritime research team

The National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) has received 500 underwater research samples from the Indonesia ...

RI, New Zealand team up to prevent quarantine document counterfeiting

The Indonesian Quarantine Agency (Barantin) is strengthening cooperation with New Zealand through the exchange of ...

Gorontalo City landslide kills 56-year-old man

A resident of the Tenilo neighborhood of Kota Barat Sub-district in Gorontalo City, Gorontalo Province, was found dead ...

Bathymetric maps aid in gathering vital tsunami-related data: BRIN

Researchers at the Geological Disaster Research Center of the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), Yusuf ...

Death count in Gorontalo landslide reaches 20 while 51 still missing

The death toll in a massive landslide that leveled an unauthorized gold mining pit in Tulabolo Village, Bone Bolango, ...

Helicopter deployed for recovery in remote mine in Gorontalo

The Gorontalo police, Tuesday, sent a helicopter to help retrieve the bodies of miners killed in a massive landslide ...

Government should promptly deliver aid to Batang quake victims: DPR

Speaker of the House of Representatives (DPR) Puan Maharani urged the government to immediately distribute assistance ...

BNPB devises 25-year flood risk map for Nusantara

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) has drawn up a 25-year resilience risk map for hydro-meteorological ...

Indonesian polio vaccines reach 8.6 million children in Afghanistan

The Indonesian Agency for International Development (Indonesian AID) confirmed that its grant of bivalent oral polio ...

East Java dispatches emergency assistance to Blitar landslide

The East Java Disaster Mitigation Agency (BPBD) reported having deployed a quick-response team to assist the residents ...