
Collection of mohammad news, found 1.189 news.

Seven hospitals expected to be internationally accredited

Seven state-owned A-class hospitals are expected to receive international accreditation by 2014. "In the health ...

Two NATO troops killed by Afghans

Two NATO troops were killed Thursday when an Afghan soldier and a civilian turned their weapons against them in ...

Bomb kills seven after Pakistan ministers` meeting

A bomb killed at least seven people and wounded another 22 on Monday, targeting a public meeting attended by ...

Suicide blast kills six at Afghan airport: Police

At least six people were killed and seven wounded Monday in a suicide car bomb attack at Jalalabad airport in eastern ...

Imam of New York Islamic Centre asks FPI to rethinking their methods

Imam Shamsi Ali of the New York Islamic Centre, US, has asked the Islam Defender Front (FPI) to rethink their methods ...

State should fully fund direct elections

House of Representatives (DPR) speaker Marzuki Alie has suggested that all elections, including general elections, ...

RI fails to reach thomas cup finals

The Indonesian men`s team failed to advance to the finals of the Thomas Cup Asian Zone qualifying tournament after ...

Taliban deny talks with Afghan government

Taliban insurgents Thursday denied that they had begun talks with the Afghan government alongside early contacts over ...

RI govt to spend Rp15.822 trillion on reconstruction of public schools

The government has allocated Rp15.822 trillion for reconstruction of public schools in Indonesia in 2012, National ...

NATO admits killing Afghan children in air strike

NATO-led forces in Afghanistan said on Monday they had mistakenly killed a group of children in an air strike that has ...

Moslem students urged not to celebrate Valentine Day

Moslem students in the provincial capital of Aceh have been urged to shun Valentine`s Day celebrations on February ...

120 participants join Minang Derby 2012 horse race

A total of 120 horse-race participants took part in the Minang Derby 2012 horse race with a total prize of 450 million ...

Four officials dismissed over Nasir`s cell visit

Law and Human Rights Minister Amir Syamsuddin has dismissed four officials of the Directorate General of Corrections ...

Charge against Nazaruddin too light

Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Center (PPATK) Chief Muhammad Yusuf said the charge against Mohammad ...

KPK expects more suspects in athlete village scandal

The disclosure on Friday that Democrat Party (PD) cadre Angelina Sondakh is named a suspect is expected to serve as an ...