
Collection of music news, found 1.263 news.

Indonesia to welcome a new leader

Indonesia will soon have a new leader Joko Widodo, former Jakarta governor, popularly called Jokowi.He won the ...

From Southeast Asia to the World

Following on the co-production memorandum signed between distribution specialist Hub Media Group and media financing ...

Better Burger Industry Soars In Southeast Asia With Johnny Rockets Entry Into Singapore

- After successful development in Southeast Asian markets, including the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia, Johnny ...

Mirriad Partners with Universal Music Group and Havas for Native In-Video Advertising

Mirriad, the global leader in native in-video advertising, Universal Music Group (UMG), the world's leading music ...

Social Matters 2014: Pushing the Boundaries for Brands

- The world's leading social media experts will come together in Hong Kong on 14-15 October for the third annual Social ...

EMMY Nomination for Alexis Nelson of HOAX Films

- Alexis Nelson, Owner and Executive Producer of HOAX Films, a Los Angeles, California and Savannah, Georgia digital ...

Spending Quality Family Time at IIMS 2014

The biggest auto show in Indonesia, Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) 2014, displaying the latest vehicles and ...

Yudhoyono receives key to city of Lisbon

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono received the Golden Key to Lisbon City, Portugal, as a reward and sign ...

InList App Developed by Michael Capponi and Gideon Kimbrell Draws Celebrities and Notables to Launch Event

- Nightlife icon Michael Capponi and software guru Gideon Kimbrell announced the planned rollout of their revolutionary ...

Jokowi to name ministers with marketing capability

President-elect Joko Widodo has said that his upcoming cabinet would be filled with ministers who have marketing ...

DAYR has positive impact on ambon city tourism

The international Darwin to Ambon Yacht Race (DAYR) holds long-term advantages for the people of Ambon and Maluku, in ...

UNAOC And BMW Group Announce Intercultural Innovation Winners

- The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC) and the BMW Group announced the ranking of the 11 finalists of ...

President Yudhoyono, Ban ki-Moon discuss developments in Gaza

Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon held a bilateral ...

Singapore's Chinatown Mid-Autumn Festival Celebrates 'A Blooming Mid-Autumn'

This Mid-Autumn Festival, Chinatown will be transformed into a picturesque floral landscape with 3,100 handcrafted ...

A Study on the Street Vendors of Kathmandu

In Kathmandu, thousands earn their living selling goods on streets, sidewalks and in other public places. Due to a ...