#narcotics smuggling

Collection of narcotics smuggling news, found 26 news.

BNN thwarts smuggling of 255-kg meth packed as Chinese tea

The National Narcotics Agency (BNN) successfully foiled attempts to smuggle 255.96 kg of crystal methamphetamine ...

Luhut warns Papuans of fatal threat of narcotics and HIV/AIDS

Coordinating Minister for Law, Security and Political Affairs Luhut Pandjaitan warned the West Papua people of the ...

Migrant workers easily tricked into smuggling drugs

Indonesian migrant workers abroad, especially women, have become the easy targets of international drug mafias who ...

indonesia to propose stronger maritime interdiction to cut drug traffic - (d)

The National Narcotic Agency (BNN) will propose cooperation to strengthen maritime interdiction to cut drug ...

Indonesian NGO claims Ban Ki-moon biased on Bali Nine execution

The National Movement of Anti-Narcotics (Ganas Annar), an Indonesian NGO, considers UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon ...

Family of "Bali Nine" convicts on death row rejects to comment

Denpasar, Bali (ANTARA News- The family members of the two Australian convicts on the death row; Andrew Chan and Myuran ...

Screening of passengers from Malaysia, China increased over narcotics smuggling

The customs service of Jakartas Soekarno-Hatta Airport will increase screening of passengers arriving from China and ...

Ngurah Rai customs reveal narcotics smuggling from Africa

The customs officials at the Ngurah Rai International Airport in Bali, revealed that a consignment of 1,540 grams of ...

National Narcotics Board burst narcotics network from Malaysia

The Indonesian National Narcotics Board, along with the Malaysian police, have arrested Indonesian citizen, MS, ...

Indonesian Customs foils 115 narcotics smuggling attempts in past six months

The Directorate General of Excise and Customs (DJBC) has foiled 115 narcotic smuggling attempts over the past six ...

Customs officers to be grilled over narcotics smuggling attempt

Jakarta police are investigating customs officers of the city`s Tanjung Priok port in connection with 351 kilogram ...