#national energy general plan

Collection of national energy general plan news, found 18 news.

Indonesia looks to Africa to expand renewable energy coverage

Indonesia has set a number of ambitious targets for developing renewable energy as part of its commitment to ...

Carbon capture storage can extend fossil energy use: BPH Migas

Carbon capture storage (CCS) technology enables the extended use of fossil energy in Indonesia, according to Saleh ...

Thorium Power Plant on Gelasa Island can lower emissions: Bapeten

The Nuclear Energy Supervisory Agency (Bapeten) stated that development of the Thorium Electric Power Plant (PLTT) on ...

Natural gas deemed important in bridging energy transition

Natural gas is deemed crucial in future to bridge the transition from fossil-based energy to new and renewable energy, ...

Delving into natural gas' future in energy transition program

The Indonesian government has adopted an energy transition program that aligns with the Paris Agreement's goal to ...

Dire need to look for alternative energy sources during transition

The Formula E or Jakarta E-Prix motorsport championship for electric cars is forecast to be the start of a shift from ...

Regional governments play key role in accelerating energy transition

Regional governments play a crucial role in achieving the target of new and renewable energy development in pursuit of ...

G20 Indonesia

G20 momentum for Indonesia to realize nuclear power plants: Observer

The G20 multilateral forum offers momentum for Indonesia to present the potential of nuclear power plants, Gadjah Mada ...

Govt working on bioenergy development strategy

The Indonesian government is formulating a strategy to facilitate the development of bioenergy, especially from agro ...

Electric vehicle uptake to lower current account deficit: DEN

The increased uptake of electric vehicles will lower the consumption of fuel oil, thereby reducing Indonesia's ...

BPPT fosters innovation in alternative energy development

The Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology Indonesia (BPPT) has pushed for innovation in the ...

Eight DEN members and stakeholders for 2020-2025 term inaugurated

Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif, in his capacity as the National Energy Council (DEN) executive ...

Use of B50 fuels expected to save foreign exchange earnings

The use of a 50 percent biodiesel blend (B50) will enable Indonesia to save foreign exchange earnings, Vice Chairman ...

Central Java increases use of renewable energy

The Central Java provincial government continues to increase the utilization of new and renewable energy by ...

Government maintains 35,000 megawatt electricity target

The government said it maintains its target to build new power plants with a total capacity of 35,000 megawatts until ...