The prospects are encouraging for the country`s petrochemical industry in 2013 after being in the doldrums in 2012, ...
The southernmost islands of Romang, Kisar, Wetar, and Lirang in Maluku Province are actually endowed with abundant ...
The government will demand Total EP Indonesie to pay certain compensation if it wants to renew its contract for the ...
- Shell today released new scenarios that explore two possible ways the 21st century could ...
Foreign investors` interest in state rupiah-denominated bonds has continued to rise in line with increasing yields ...
Construction of Lampung`s floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) by Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd is ...
Economic and social gap is the root cause of persistent security problem in Papua, Velix Wanggai, a special staff of ...
Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Jero Wacik said Indonesia could rely on its big gas reserves to make up for ...
Indonesia expects investment in the energy and mineral resources to rise further to US$38.94 billion this year. ...
- Yokogawa Electric Corporation and McAfee today announced the signing of a partnership agreement to offer holistic and ...
French energy company Total EP Indonesie said it hopes the government will soon announce its decision on its ...
Fuel oil resilience in Indonesia still raises concern and is left far behind that of other countries in Asia, such as ...
Indonesian Finance Minister Agus Martowardojo said the 2013 State Budget can increase by Rp70 trillion if consumption ...
- SHUAA Capital psc announces today that is has entered into a Memorandum of Understanding ...
The Downstream Oil and Gas Regulator (BPH Migas) hopes to carry out long standing plan to build a 1,000 kilometer long ...