
Collection of needed news, found 7.030 news.

Komnas HAM pushed government to strengthen ecosystem of peace in Papua

Indonesia's National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas HAM) pushed the government for ongoing endeavors to ...

Tan Xuguang: No Blind Matchmaking for Products Afar

Upon a profound visit to Southeast Asia, Mr. Tan Xuguang, on the afternoon of April 7, presided over ...

Tap opportunities from Eid exodus: MPR to regions

Deputy Speaker of the People's Consultative Assembly (MPR), Lestari Moerdijat, has urged regional governments to ...

Xsolla and Curine Ventures to Officially Launch Xsolla Curine Academy in Kuala Lumpur, Elevating the Gaming Ecosystem in the ASEAN Region

- Xsolla, a global video game commerce company renowned for its comprehensive suite of tools and services tailored for ...

Journalist Safety Index and need for ensuring journalists' safety

The Tifa Foundation, as part of the Safe Journalism Consortium that is supported by the Dutch Embassy, collaborated ...

Minister Uno seeks tourism cooperation with US Northeastern University

Indonesian Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Sandiaga Uno explored potentials for collaboration with Northeastern ...

Govt seeks to bring electricity to rice fields to boost water pumping

Indonesia's Ministry of Agriculture is making efforts to accelerate electricity connection to reach rice field ...

Bali SAR provides medical evacuation for Hong Kong-flagged ship crew

The Bali Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) provided medical evacuation assistance to a Hong Kong-flagged cargo ship ...

Government readies backup plan for Sumatra-Java port crossing flow

The authority has prepared backup strategies to mitigate potential congestion in crossing ports from Sumatra to Java ...

Discussions on increasing RI shares in Freeport to take time

President Director of PT Freeport Indonesia (PTFI) Tony Wenas stated that the discussion process on increasing the ...

Indonesia's new leader continuing to support Palestine: Amb. Al Shun

Palestinian Ambassador to Indonesia Zuhair Al Shun expressed confidence that Indonesia, under the future leadership of ...

Preserving a balance between development and biodiversity in Nusantara

One of the main pillars of the development concept of Indonesia's new capital Nusantara is harmony between ...

Contraflow, one-way remain for Eid homecoming travel: Minister

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi emphasized that contraflow and one-way schemes on toll roads are still needed ...

BNPT head urges officials to tigthen anti-terrorism measures for Eid

Head of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Mohammed Rycko Amelza Dahniel has called on all his officials to ...

Food aid has economic, not social function: Indrawati

The distribution of food aid through the National Food Agency (Bapanas) is not a part of social protection, rather it ...