#new year

Collection of new year news, found 1.463 news.

Indonesia delivers aid to victims of typhoon bopha

The Indonesian Minister for People`s Welfare, Agung Laksono, arrived in the Philippine southern island of Mindanao on ...

Christmas mass in Kuta delivered in English

Hundreds of foreign tourists attended a Christmas Mass at St Fransiskus Xaverius Paroki church in Badung district on ...

Jakarta`s main streets will be closed on new year`s eve

The main roads of Jakarta, starting from the Medan Merdeka Barat street (in front of the National Monument), Thamrin ...

Papua police deploy 3,793 personnel to ensure security on Christmas

Papua Police have deployed 3,793 personnel across the districts and cities in the region to ensure security during ...

Medan police deploy 2,525 officers to secure X-Mas

North Sumatra Police Chief Inspector General Wisjnu Amat Sastro said the local authorities ready to secure Christmas ...

National police gives priority to jakarta ahead of Christmas, new year

The National Police Headquarters will give top priority to the capital city of Jakarta in its efforts to ensure ...

Keerom needs more police officers to guard Christmas

The Keerom Police Department of Papua needs more police officers to guard Christmas and New Year celebrations in the ...

New York Never Sleeps - to the Joy of Global Travelers

-27,000 travelers from around the world vote New York as best city for nightlife     Suffering ...

Muslim youth in Jayapura to provide security on Christmas

The Police chief of Jayapura in Papua province, Adjunct Senior Commissioner Alfred Papare, has stated that Muslim ...

Police to secure 38,499 churches during the holiday season

The Indonesian Police will protect 38,499 churches as part of the 10-day Operation Candle, from December 23, 2012 to ...

Public urged to restrict subsidized fuel consumption

The government has called on all Indonesians to restrict their consumption of subsidized fuel, switch to gas whenever ...

Bayfield Ventures Corp. : Bayfield Drills 26.5m of 8.82 g/t Au and 39.44 g/t Ag and Extends East Bur

Bayfield Ventures Corp. (TSX-V: BYV) (OTC Pink: BYVVF) (the "Company") is pleased to announce additional assays from ...

Hotel occupancy rate in Bukittinggi reaches 80 percent

The hotel occupancy rate in Bukittinggi city, West Sumatra, has reached 80 percent for this weekend, in light of the ...

Officials say Poso remains volatile

The Central Sulawesi district of Poso remains volatile, adding to the potential that terrorist acts might occur in the ...

The HNA Group "Brightness Action Program" Recognized At The 2012 South-South Awards

- The Chairman of the HNA Group, Mr. Feng Chen was honored this week at the 2012 South-South Awards for their Corporate ...