#north korea

Collection of north korea news, found 452 news.

Jokowi, Moon discuss security situation in Korean Peninsula

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) discussed security situation in the Korean Peninsula with his South Korean ...

Indonesian, Belgian foreign ministers discuss palm oil, wood issues

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno Marsudi held talks with her Belgian counterpart Didier Reynders and Vice President ...

Indonesia condemns North Korea's nuclear test

Jakarta (ANTARA News - The Indonesian government has condemned the nuclear test conducted by North Korea on Sunday, as ...

North Korea says it has developed "advanced hydrogen bomb"

North Korea said on Sunday it has developed an advanced hydrogen bomb that possesses "great destructive power" as US ...

Indonesia to be consistent in countering N Korea`s violations: Minister

Indonesian Minister of Foreign Affairs Retno LP Marsudi stated that Indonesia will maintain its consistency in ...

Japan lauds Indonesia`s strong reaction against N Korean missile

The Ambassador of Japan to Indonesia, Masafumi Ishii, here on Wednesday lauded the strong and quick response of ...

Indonesia condemns North Korea's missile test

The Indonesian government has condemned a missile test conducted by North Korea on Monday, August 28, 2017, noted a ...

Trump`s policy can spur Indonesia`s exports: Businessman

The implementation of US President Donald Trumps policy, especially in the economic sector, can boost Indonesias ...

North Korea releases imprisoned Canadian pastor

North Korea has released a Canadian pastor serving a life sentence there on humanitarian grounds, the country's ...

Japan bestows medal of merit on ex-UN rapporteur from Indonesia

The Japanese government has bestowed the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold, and Silver Star upon former UN rapporteur ...

Japan committed to ease pain of Indonesian "comfort women"

The Ambassador of Japan to Indonesia Masafumi Ishii stated here on Saturday that his government was committed to ease ...

Indonesia deplores N Korea missile launch

Indonesia has deplored the missile launch test by North Korea on Tuesday (July 4), the foreign ministry said in a ...

China "outraged" by $1.42 bln planned U.S. arms sales to Taiwan

China urged the United States to revoke immediately its "wrong decision" to sell Taiwan $1.42 billion worth of arms, ...

On Korean War anniversary, South urges North to end weapons development

South Korea marked the anniversary of the start of the 1950-53 Korean War on Sunday with a call for the North to halt ...

North Korea tests rocket engine, possibly for ICBM

North Korea has carried out another test of a rocket engine that the United States believes could be part of its ...