#not compromise

Collection of not compromise news, found 300 news.

Heated argument expected if elections bill voted on: Pramono

House Deputy Speaker Pramono Anung said a heated debate would occur if three crucial issues in the general elections ...

House speaker will expel legislators who disrupt fuel debate

House Speaker Marzuki Alie has said he will expel any legislator who breaks the rules at the plenary meeting to decide ...

Inflation in 2012 could reach 8.5 pct: Economist

Economist Aviliani said the rate of inflation could reach 8.5 percent in 2012 if the government decides to raise the ...

news focus: RI concerned over violence in Syria, calls for peaceful solution

The anti-government protests in Syria and the harsh responses by President Bashar Al-Assad`s regime has reportedly ...

Malaysia defends deporting Saudi in Ttwitter row

Malaysia on Monday defended its deportation of a Saudi journalist wanted at home for comments deemed insulting to the ...

RI must remain neutral about Syria : MP

The Chairman of the House of Representatives` (DPR) Commission I, Mahfudz Siddiq, said Indonesia must remain neutral ...

President calls on parties to avoid violence to settle problems

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono called on all parties here on Thursday to avoid violence as a way of settling ...

Labor disputes must be settled thoroughly: President

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has asked for a thorough settlement of the workers` demand for pay rise without any ...

Marzuki to have house secretary general sacked

House of Representatives (DPR) Speaker Marzuki Alie said he was considering having House Secretary General Nining ...

Stratfor hackers publish email, password data

Hackers affiliated with the Anonymous group published hundreds of thousands of email addresses belonging to ...

Wiranto ready to be re-nominated for presidency

The General Chairman of the People`s Conscience Party (Hanura), Wiranto, expressed his readiness to be re-nominated as ...

Failing Climate Negotiations Put Indonesia at Crossroads

-      - NGO says Indonesia should safeguard economic growth now that this week's climate ...

Yemen`s Saleh signs power transfer deal

Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh signed a Gulf initiative on Wednesday to hand over power to his deputy as part of ...

Don`t expect too much from cabinet reshuffle : Observer

Indonesia should not expect too much from the cabinet reshuffle carried out by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, an ...

Palestine state quest wins first victory in UNESCO vote

Palestine has won a first diplomatic victory in its quest for statehood as UNESCO`s executive committee backed its bid ...