
Collection of padang news, found 1.223 news.

BMKG forecasts moderate to heavy rains ahead of Christmas

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) has forecast moderate to heavy rains in parts of the capital ...

Sumatran tiger captured in North Sumatra's Padang Lawas: BKSDA

The North Sumatra Natural Resources Conservation Agency has said its wildlife team has captured a Sumatran tiger ...

Tourism Ministry to help C Java develop culinary sector

Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy Sandiaga Uno said he is ready to support the Central Java provincial ...

Indonesia drafting regulation on utilization of sunken ships

The Indonesian government is drafting a regulation on the retrieval of valuable objects from sunken ships (BMKT) and ...

Mount Semeru eruption claims 39 lives: BNPB

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) reported that the avalanches of hot clouds spewed by Mount Semeru in ...

Vaccinations in West Sumatra reach 52% of target

The West Sumatra government has informed that the vaccination rate in the region has increased from 21 percent to 52 ...

News Focus

Indonesia Pavilion entices visitors to experience Land of Diversity

The Indonesia Pavilion at Expo 2020 Dubai has whetted the curiosity of thousands of visitors about the Southeast Asian ...

W Sumatra railway reactivation to maintain heritage value: official

West Sumatra railway reactivation is aimed at maintaining its heritage value so it can act as a tourist attraction in ...

Gov't to make improvements to Mandalika Circuit for MotoGP: Pandjaitan

Coordinating Maritime Affairs and Investment Minister Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan confirmed that the government will make ...

New Mentawai Airport's construction to get completed in August 2022

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi has targeted to complete the construction of the New Mentawai Airport in ...

The pandemic and the path to change

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought Indonesians to a two-way crossroad where they need to decide whether to stick with ...

Language differences pose challenge in translating ancient recipes

Indonesian celebrity chef Ragil Imam Wibowo pointed to the language barrier being a factor that hindered his efforts to ...

Transportation Ministry targets rail line reactivation in West Sumatra

The Transportation Ministry plans to reactivate the Naras-Sungai Limau rail line connecting Pariaman City and Padang ...

Minister reviews transportation readiness for WSBK in Mandalika

Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi reviewed the readiness of transportation facilities and infrastructure for ...

Governor pushes to increase fish consumption to prevent stunting

Governor of West Sumatra Mahyeldi called on the public to boost fish consumption as a means to create a new, smart ...