#pegunungan bintang

Collection of pegunungan bintang news, found 143 news.

Two men arrested for stealing diesel fuel near Indonesia-PNG border

Police officers near the Indonesia-Papua New Guinea border in Sota Subdistrict, Merauke District, South Papua, have ...

Operation Cartenz's Peace prioritizes persuasive measures: Police

The Operation Cartenz's Peace, aimed at maintaining peace in Papua, will continue this year while prioritizing ...

Police to crack down on separatists who led Yahukimo, Puncak attacks

Papua police have vowed to crack down on the armed criminals who killed 8 persons in Yahukimo district, Papua ...

Security, order is conducive in Papua: Police Chief

Chief of the Papua Regional Police Inspector General Mathius Fakhiri confirmed that the current situation of public ...

Indonesian police make utmost effort to free four hostages in Papua

The Operation Peace Cartenz personnel in Papua Province continue to make utmost efforts to free four civilians being ...

Papuan separatists abduct four BTS construction workers in Okbibab

A Papuan separatist group attacked six workers involved in the construction of a base transceiver station (BTS) tower ...

Prioritizing local govt to handle security disturbances in Papua

Security disturbances in Papua, including in two new autonomous regions (DOB), have compelled the Indonesian Defense ...

Accelerating development in Highland Papua Province

Highland Papua, one of Indonesia’s newest autonomous provinces in the Papuan region, is expediting its ...

Military member's body found 12 km from bridge collapse scene in Papua

One of the four members of the Indonesian Military/National Police that fell into Digul River due to a bridge collapse ...

Govt assures of network reliability during year-end holidays

Communication and Informatics Minister Johnny G. Plate has assured that telecommunication networks and services ...

BPD Papua suspends operations in Puncak following employee's killing

The regional development lender Bank Pembangunan Daerah (BPD) Papua suspended its operational activities in Puncak ...

Armed Papuan terrorist killed BPD Papua's employee: Military

An armed Papuan separatist terrorist operating in Sinak Sub-district, Puncak District, Papua Tengah Province, killed an ...

Papuan separatists kill three ojek drivers: military

Papuan separatists are continuing to terrorize innocent civilians as demonstrated by the killing of three ojek ...

Ministry builds 13 BTS in Biak for outermost area residents

The Telecommunication and Informatics Accessibility Agency (BAKTI) of the Communication and Informatics Ministry built ...

Separatists accused of shooting 3 motorcycle taxi drivers in Papua

The Nason Mimin-led armed criminal group (KKB) is believed to have attacked and fatally shot three motorcycle taxi ...