
Collection of persons news, found 1.563 news.

Indonesia has capital to become leader: Jokowi

Indonesia, as a country with the world`s biggest Muslim population and a member of G20, has a big capital to become a ...

KPK arrests eight in Subang including district head on graft charge

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) rounded up eight persons in Subang, West Java, and put then in detention ...

GATSBY CREATIVE AWARDS selects top candidates in COMMERCIAL and ART categories as Asian students approach the final awards showdown!

- The 12th GATSBY CREATIVE AWARDS, sponsored by Mandom Corp. (TOKYO:4917), is one of Asia's largest creative awards for ...

Making Indonesia free of prostitution

The government of Indonesia is committed to shutting down more red-light districts in its efforts to free the country ...

IISD-1 discusses increased cooperation in law and security: Wiranto

The First Indonesia-India Security Dialogue (IISD-1) in New Delhi, India, on Tuesday discussed increased cooperation ...

Milrem Robotics brings autonomous warfare capabilities to the battlefield

- Milrem Robotics took the first step towards providing combat units with autonomous warfare systems last week when it ...

Papua police demand release of 1,300 civilian hostages

Inspector General Boy Rafli Amar, chief of the Papua Provincial Police, has demanded an armed criminal group (KKB) to ...

Firm action to be last resort in dealing with hostage-taking in Papua

A joint task force, comprising of police and military officers, will do its utmost to use persuasive steps in dealing ...

India, ASEAN commemorate 25 years of partnership

The Indian Mission to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) held a reception in Jakarta, Thursday ...

New infrastructure provides better mobility to N Sumatra people

North Sumatra has enjoyed rapid infrastructure development over the last several years, thanks to the economic policy ...

President Jokowi asks students to avoid drugs, pornography, violence

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has explained the dangers of drugs abuse, pornography and violence to students from ...

Indonesia encourages Asian parliament to resolve Rohingya crisis

The delegation of the Indonesian House of Representatives (DPR) has encouraged the Asian Parliament to support efforts ...

President to raise budget for poverty alleviation programs

President Joko Widodo said on Monday that he would raise the budget for programs that were linked to alleviate ...

Indonesian Ballet Gala to promote equality of disabled dancers

International dancers from France, Australia, United Kingdom, Indonesia, and South Korea will promote equality of ...

Will automation disrupt employment?

The world of work is changing rapidly, and technological advances are permeating all aspects of the workplace. ...