#plenary session

Collection of plenary session news, found 764 news.

House approves bills on tax amnesty and amended 2016 state budget

The House of Representatives passed into laws the tax amnesty and amended 2016 state budget bills in a plenary ...

President, PDIP faction meet at State Palace

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and the Democratic Party of Struggle Faction in the House (FPDI) met at the State ...

House Commission III approves Tito Karnavian`s appointment as police chief

House Commission III has approved the appointment of Commissioner General Tito Karnavian as the new National Police ...

House rejects capital injection for three state companies

The Houses Commission VI overseeing state enterprises has rejected the governments proposal for capital participation ...

It is expected to be all smooth for Tito Karnavian

President Joko Widodo (Jokwi) has named Comr.Gen. Tito Karnavian as the sole candidate to replace outgoing police ...

Police chief candidate Tito Karnavian meets primary selection requirements

The proposal of Commissioner General Tito Karnavian as the sole candidate for the post of National Police Chief has ...

Golkar supports Tito Karnavian as new chief of state police

The countrys Golkar Party gave full support for Commissioner General Tito Karnavian as new police chief proposed by ...

President proposes Tito Karnavian as police chief candidate

President Joko Widodo has proposed the name of Commissioner General Tito Karnavian, currently chairman of the National ...

Govt checks vehicles for Lebaran transportation

The government is conducting checks to determine the condition of vehicles that will be used to transport post-fasting ...

Indonesia economy predicted to grow 5.3-5.9 percent in 2017

Finance Minister Bambang Brodjonegoro predicted the countrys economy would grow 5.3--5.7 percent in 2017 to follow the ...

ASEAN-Russian partnership contributes to global welfare: Jokowi

Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) said ASEAN-Russia Partnership can contribute to global peace and welfare. ...

President Jokowi and 11 other leaders attend ASEAN-Russia Summit

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) and other ASEAN leaders are expected to attend the ASEAN-Russia Summit hosted by ...

House to play more role in parliamentary diplomacy

A delegation of the House of Representatives will attend the meetings and conferences of regional parliamentary ...

President Jokowi summons ministers to make preparations for 2016 budget draft

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has summoned several ministers to prepare for the 2016 state budget drafts discussion ...

RI should follow Malaysia`s economic sharia system: Observer

Indonesia should follow the example of Malaysias Economic Sharia system that has been able to empower medium and ...