
Collection of pltp news, found 37 news.

Eight contracts signed for geothermal power and steam prices

Eight sales and purchase contracts for geothermal power and steam were signed here on Thursday in the presence of Vice ...

President inaugurates geothermal power plants

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi), here, Sunday, symbolically inaugurated geothermal power plants (PLTP) located in ...

Three geothermal power plants to start operating in 2014

The government has targeted three geothermal power plants (PLTP) with a combined capacity of 62 MW will start ...

PTPP Projects Third Quarter 2012 Net Profit to Jump 73%

PT PP (Persero) Tbk (IDX: PTPP), a leading Indonesian construction and investment company, projected its Net Profit ...

Three geothermal power plants to come on line in 2017

France-based energy company GDF Suez Energy International said it would start construction of a geothermal power ...

Wika Power to build geothermal power in West Java

PT Wika Jabar Power, a subsidiary of state construction company Wijaya Karya, will build a 40-megawatt geothermal ...

South Lampung PLTP to operate in 2015

The geothermal power plant (PLTP) in South Lampung regency was slated to start operating in 2015 with a capacity of ...