Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM) has made it mandatory for all students enrolling at this South Kalimantan-based ...
The Mataram city police, on Thursday, destroyed 2.75 kg of dried marijuana that local cops seized from a university ...
Officials from the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) foiled a drug distribution syndicate's attempt to deliver 200 ...
The North Sumatra police arrested a cross-border drug trafficker suspected to belong to a Malaysia-Indonesia syndicate ...
The Jakarta metropolitan police has uncovered a drug case involving the supply of 2,500 saturated absorbent papers ...
Indonesia's Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry (KKP) recently arrested four fishermen for allegedly carrying ...
The Bandarlampung city police apprehended five drug traffickers and seized 8,866 ecstasy pills, one kg of ...
Police officers in Pidie District, Aceh Province, recently arrested three local farmers for allegedly selling crystal ...
Drug traffickers continue to target North Sumatra, as the province's police officers recorded the arrests of 2,548 ...
The South Sumatra police arrested six members of an inter-provincial drug ring involved in transporting three kg of ...
The Jambi Police thwarted an attempt to smuggle six persons from Kerinci District, Jambi, to Malaysia and arrested a ...
The Jambi police arrested two suspected drug traffickers and seized seven kg of crystal methamphetamine from them ...
Eleven high-school students suspectedly involved in robbery and intended brawl in western Jakarta may be subject to Law ...
A joint team of the Indonesian police and military arrested a supporter of the Papua armed criminal group in Agats, ...
The South Kalimantan police praised relevant stakeholders for their support and participation in drug abuse prevention ...