#police officers

Collection of police officers news, found 1.791 news.

Situation in Tolikara more conducive now: minister

The situation in Karubaga in Tolikara, Papua province, is more stable now, after the riot that took place in the ...

Indonesian minister will guarantee needs of evacuees from Tolikara

Social Affairs Minister Khofifah Indar Parawansa plans to visit Tolikara to ensure that the needs of evacuees in the ...

There must be no more conflict over religions: Nahdlatul Ulama

An Indonesan Islamic leader has expressed disappointment over and deplored the incident in Tolikara, Papua, that ...

Jakarta police deployed 5,094 personnel to secure Lebaran night

The Jakarta Metropolitan Police deployed a joint force comprising 5,094 personnel to secure the "Takbiran" or Lebaran ...

Indonesian govt gears up to secure Idul Fitri exodus

After fasting during the entire holy month of Ramadan, Indonesian Muslims, who account for nearly 90 percent of the ...

Indonesia police deploying 82 thousand personnel to secure Idul Fitri exodus

The National Police will deploy 82,538 personnel during the 16-day-long "Ketupat Operation," from July 10 to 25, 2015, ...

Indonesian Police Chief asks officers to deliver best public services

Chief of the Indonesian National Police General Badrodin Haiti has reminded his personnel to provide their best ...

Unidentified person attacks soldier in Gorontalo

An unidentified person attacked a soldier of the Battalion 713 in Gorontalo city on Saturday night (June 27). The ...

At least 20 Kenyan police killed in suspected al shabaab attack

At least 20 Kenyan police officers have been killed in an ambush by suspected al Shabaab gunmen in a village in the ...

Jakarta police arrest another 30 Chinese citizens

The Jakarta Police arrested another 30 Chinese and Taiwanese nationals in a housing and office complex in North ...

Jakarta police sends 33 Chinese cyber criminals to immigration detention

Jakarta police officers have sent 33 Chinese nationals suspected to be part of a cybercrime syndicate to the South ...

Second suspected human trafficking camp found in Thai South

A second suspected human trafficking camp has been discovered in southern Thailand, police said on Tuesday, following ...

Police shoot dead 2 gunmen at Texas exhibit of Prophet Mohammad cartoons

Texas police shot dead two gunmen who opened fire on Sunday outside an exhibit of caricatures of the Prophet Mohammad ...

Police, antigraft body must not be intervened: Kompolnas

The National Police (Polri) and the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) as law enforcing bodies must not be ...

Kompolnas ready to evaluate police after arrest of Baswedan

The National Police Commission (Kompolnas) is ready to evaluate police after the arrest by the police of Corruption ...