
Collection of prasetyo news, found 1.123 news.

Digital lifestyle to continue beyond pandemic: Telkomsel

State-owned telecommunications company Telkomsel's Corporate General Manager for Prepaid and Postpaid Brand & ...

President calls on Army, Police officers to quash conflicts

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has instructed the Indonesian National Defense Forces (TNI) and National Police (Polri) ...

President Jokowi inaugurates 700 TNI, Polri graduates

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) inaugurated 700 Indonesian National Defence Forces (TNI) and Indonesian Police (Polri) ...

RNI produces oxygen generator to meet domestic demand

State-run agroindustry, pharmaceutical and trade PT Rajawali Nusantara Indonesia (RNI) has produced hype oxygen ...

Soldiers in Papua conduct COVID-19 awareness campaign for villagers

Indonesian soldiers, stationed at a security checkpoint in the remote areas of Beane Kogom Village in Tsinga ...

Air Force Chief witnesses Indonesian-US joint exercise

Air Force Chief of Staff Marshal Fadjar Prasetyo witnessed a joint exercise between the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) ...

Jakarta intensifies restrictions amid drastic COVID-19 case surge

 Jakarta, Indonesia's capital city, has witnessed records in terms of the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases ...

Governor urges Jakarta residents to stay at home on weekend

Governor of Jakarta Anies Baswedan again made an earnest request to those residing in Jakarta to not venture out of ...

Primary weapons system upgrade will be future need-oriented: Air Force

Air Force Chief of Staff, Marshal Fajar Prasetyo, has said that any upgrade of the Air Force’s primary weapons ...

Widodo asks Jakarta to ramp up vaccinations as infections soar

President Joko Widodo has asked the Jakarta administration to speed up COVID-19 vaccinations amid a surge in cases, ...

Surigae cyclone-generated high waves in Pacific Ocean, Halmahera

The Surigae tropical cyclone observed in the eastern Philippines waters had an impact on the waves reaching heights of ...

Kertajati Airport to provide maintenance, repair, overhaul services

Kertajati International Airport in Majalengka District, West Java, would function as an aircraft maintenance, repair, ...

Toll road to Kertajati airport 60% complete: official

Construction work on the Cikampek-Palimanan (Cipali) toll road extension to the West Java International Airport in ...

Air Force plans to buy used F-15s, Dassault Rafale

The Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) is planning to buy sophisticated 4.5 generation fighter jets, including France-made ...

Air Force carries 14 tons of aid for Sulawesi quake victims

Two Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU) planes transported 14 tons of relief aid on Monday for victims of the 6.2-magnitude ...