#priority issues

Collection of priority issues news, found 316 news.

Minister urges women to adapt, be brave in face of challenges

Minister of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection (KemenPPPA), Bintang Puspayoga, has urged women to be adaptive ...

Indonesia underscores priority issues for the 2022 G20 Presidency

The Ministry of Communication and Informatics has drawn special attention to three priority issues for the 2022 G20 ...

Indonesia proposes formation of digital economy working group at G20

Indonesian Minister of Communication and Informatics Johnny G. Plate has proposed the upgrading of the Digital Economy ...

Indonesia committed to supporting three employment issues at G20 forum

Manpower Ministry’s Secretary General, Anwar Sanusi, echoed Indonesia's commitment to supporting three ...

Women's empowerment to drive recovery of pandemic-battered economy

Women’s empowerment can boost the recovery of the national economy hit by the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the ...

News Focus

Eye on human capital, Indonesia ramps up fight against stunting

The Joko Widodo administration has set human resource development as its priority program for the second presidential ...

Referral hospitals prioritized for patients with severe COVID-19

Chairman of the Task Force for Acceleration of COVID-19 Handling Lt Gen. Doni Monardo reemphasized the decision to ...

Indonesia, Dutch concur on promoting women's role in peace creation

The Indonesian and Dutch governments have decided to bolster cooperation in diplomat training and promote women's ...

ASEAN should prioritize tackling instability in region

Senior researcher of the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Jusuf Wanandi expressed firm belief that ...

Indonesia's five export commodities listed in US GSP programme

Indonesia will be able to enjoy the United States' Generalized System of Preference (GSP) facility in the form of ...

Doctor Association hopes cooperation with Ministry of Health continues

The Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) chairman, Dr. Daeng M. Faqih, hopes the collaboration of the professional ...

Indonesia, Iran discuss refugee repatriation process

The governments of Indonesia and Iran deliberated on endeavors to repatriate Iranian refugees and asylum seekers in ...

Indonesia, UK ink MoU to strengthen regulation reform

The governments of Indonesia and the United Kingdom have agreed to strengthen regulation reform to maintain the ...

News Focus

Israeli illegal settlements pose hindrance to peace in Palestine

Palestine's struggle for independence has been at the very core of Indonesia's foreign policy, so the ...

Indonesia expounds three key measures in tackling Palestinian issues

Indonesian Foreign Minister Retno L. P. Marsudi, at the UN Security Council meeting to discuss the situation in the ...