
Collection of prison news, found 1.185 news.

News Focus

Police praised for prompt handling of Kace blasphemy case

The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and several sections of Muslim communities in the country have praised the National ...

Investigate parties involved in illegal street duel: legislator

House of Representatives' (DPR RI's) Commission III member Andi Rio Idris Padjalangi praised the South Sulawesi ...


The Aggravating state of human rights in Jammu and Kashmir

Nelson Mandela once said, “to deny people their human rights is to challenge their very humanity”. This is ...

Temanggung prison's 136 inmates vaccinated against COVID-19

Some 136 inmates at Class IIB of the Temanggung District prison, Central Java, were administered COVID-19 vaccination ...

West Jakarta: Places of worship double up as vaccination centers

The West Jakarta city government is collaborating with mosques and churches to use their premises to conduct mass ...

Navy rolls out vaccinations for Labuan Bajo residents

The Labuan Bajo Naval Base on Tuesday organized a vaccination program for locals at its Command Headquarters in West ...

Surviving the pandemic behind prison walls

Who would have thought that the insidious grasp of the coronavirus would extend beyond people with high ...

265 West Sumba prisoners get second COVID dose

As many as 265 prisoners at the Waikabubak Penitentiary in West Sumba District, East Nusa ...

Ex-cop in Riau's Pekanbaru tries to escape arrest in drug case, shot

Riau Provincial Police shot an ex-police officer while conducting a drug search at a house in Pekanbaru on Wednesday ...

News Focus

Indonesia's long and winding road to winning war on drugs

Indonesia, which has seen drug addiction spiral into a life-threatening problem for millions of people, on Monday ...

Ummi hospital president director handed one-year jail term

The East Jakarta District Court sentenced Ummi Hospital President Director Andi Tatat to one year in prison on Thursday ...

Habib Rizieq Shihab's son-in-law sentenced to one year imprisonment

The East Jakarta District Court sentenced Habib Hanif Alatas to one year in prison on Thursday over the Ummi Hospital ...

Habib Rizieq Shihab rejects court's verdict in swab testing case

Indonesia's esteemed ulema and founder of the now-defunct Islam Defenders Front (FPI) Habib Rizieq Shihab rejected ...

Police question wardens over poisoning of inmates at Bali prison

Police are questioning wardens and inmates of a women’s correctional facility in Bali province following a mass ...

Two university students in East Java arrested for drug trafficking

The East Java police seized 2.8 kilograms (kg) of dried marijuana from four suspected drug dealers, including two ...