
Collection of promises news, found 451 news.

Govt must keep low profile on energy transition: DEN member

Member of the National Energy Council (DEN), Herman Darnel Ibrahim, has asked the government to act in a low-profile ...

Acting Bekasi mayor ensures normal public service despite arrest

Acting Mayor of Bekasi, West Java Tri Adhianto confirmed that municipal service in the city remains normal despite the ...

Indonesia pushes roadmap for Afghanistan

Indonesia is pushing for a roadmap from the Taliban on its commitments for supporting peace and improving the ...

MPR deputy speaker optimistic of MPs completing bills in 2022

People's Consultative Assembly (MPR RI) deputy speaker Lestari Moerdijat expressed hope that 2022 would bring new ...

Realization of infrastructure spending for 2021 reaches 94.21 percent

The budget realization for infrastructure spending in 2021 was recorded at 94.21 percent until the end of ...

Governor Baswedan increases Jakarta's minimum wage up to 5.1 percent

  Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has decided to revise and raise the minimum wage in the province up to 5.1 ...

Military personnel involved in violence to face legal sanctions

The Commander of the National Defense Forces (TNI), General Andika Perkasa, has assured that any personnel involved in ...

Papua: Perkasa promises to oversee cases of human rights violations

Indonesian Military (TNI) Commander General Andika Perkasa has said he will supervise cases involving grave human ...

Baswedan engages with protesting workers in front of City Hall

Governor of Anies Baswedan attempted to mollify hundreds of workers protesting against the decision of provincial ...

Govt's green industrial park extension reaches 30,000 ha: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) revealed that the green industrial park in North Kalimantan will be expanded to 30 ...

Jakarta Governor promises to help reduce workers' cost of living

Governor Anies Baswedan has promised to help reduce the cost of living for workers in Jakarta following demands for an ...

Pertamina collaborates with community to achieve sustainability

Indonesian energy company PT Pertamina (Persero) echoed its commitment to achieving environmental sustainability ...

RI refutes UK minister's incorrect statement on zero deforestation

Indonesian Vice Foreign Minister Mahendra Siregar rebutted the statement made by the UK's Climate and International ...

Cianjur district head voices support for minimum wage raise demand

The head of Cianjur district, West Java, has expressed his support for laborers seeking an increase of 21 percent in ...

Beware of illegal online loan services

Despite the Greater Jakarta Police Force having arrested three perpetrators operating illegal online loan services in ...